Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Waikiki Weekend

I was invited to participate in a FAM Tour by Aston Hotels and Resorts of their Oahu properties.  The tour came with 2 night complimentary room stay at the Waikiki Beach Aston and a day and a half of wining and dining and gifts galore from Aston.

This was the view from our room! Yep - I could see the fireworks on Friday night!

So much fun - and so many gifts from Aston - lots of snacks, electronic goodies. gift cards, bags, you name it!  I will definitely recommend Aston to everyone!
Gene and the girls came the second night and swam - a very fun weekend.

Oh - and got to go to may favorite vegan restaurant, Ruffage, and eat the ahi poke, avocado salad - best salad hands down!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Les Mis in London

Saw it on Oct. 8, 2013 - exactly 28 years from when it first opened.  Didn't realize it when I bought the tickets.  Even more strange - saw it in London on it's 26th anniversary in 2011 - again didn't realize it when I bought the tickets.  Thinking about the 30th anniversary. Glad I got to see it this time with my nephew Rene.

Long Enough

It certainly has been long enough since I've posted to this blog. Funny how life gets in the way.  A quick update -

  • Gene - went hiking in Arizona and Utah in Sept.  Also went to my nephew's baby party in Louisville in Sept.  Gene also got to fulfill a life long wish to visit Auschwitz in Poland (flew to Zurich then Krakow in early November).  He also did a couple of trips to Phoenix.  Gene was a gold medalist in the Hickam Half Marathon!  Yes, he is still running almost daily and trying to figure out where in the world to go on his next hike.
  • Susan - still working with students with autism and living on North Shore. She came over the other day and I taught her how to make pumpkin pie.  Her pie was AWESOME and I hope she makes one for Thanksgiving!
  • Jacob - enjoying school at Utah Valley University.  He is working at the theater box office at the University.
  • Gabe - still on his mission in Long Beach California and has had a number of experiences that have helped him grow!  So happy he is having this opportunity!
  • Michelle - grade 10 at Castle High School!  Had a knee injury in October and still in a knee brace.  Has switched her love from Sonic the Hedgehog to Donatello of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  • Hannah - grade 8 at King Intermediate.  She is taller than Michelle!  Her seizures have improved - meaning far fewer!
  • Me - Got to go to England to do genealogy research with my ohana.  What a great trip!  Thankful to be alive and still kicking!

More later.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Patient, hard working, funny, kind, devoted, generous, smart, faithful and loving.  He is a GREAT dad.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Gabe's Email

Got this from him today!

So i just copied and pasted half this letter becaus eits what i wrote to dad. but anyways I love it here! So the area im in is awesome! Im in Long Beach east and im litterally smack dab in the ghetto. Like seriously. We walk the streets and we see gang members on every corner. Dont freak out or anything but the area im in is known for
stabbbings and ive heard  a total of 13 shots in the past week. But the good thing is that we are the most protected people in the area. Besides the lord watching over us, last night while walking past some of the top gang members there are, they stopped us and asked us if anyone was harassing or messing with us. Then they said "Well stay safe and we got your backs." I love it here! Even the hispanic gangs love us and invite us to there baby showers! Everyone sees os and either avoids us or smiles and askes how we are doing. Also in my first week here Ive taught 10 lessons, found 5 new investigators, and committed a homeless person to getting off alchol, getting into a shelter, and getting baptized! She reads her BoM every night and prays multiple times a day! We go by her every day and she says she prayes every day to see us. Shes an amazing soul and I love feeling her spirit. I love it here! Well gtg

My P-days are on monday so ill message you on mondays. Love you!

Ps I didnt get the suit yet and thank you for the POG!
and the adress is 6500 E Atherton St Long Beach CA 90815

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Today is her birthday.  16 years old.  She likes babies, dogs, rice, her cell phone, babies, ice cream, swimming, babies, music, sleeping in, dance class, babies, cats, bunnies, and did I say babies?

Monday, April 15, 2013


This is the 15 year old boy we took in under emergency foster care.  This was my Facebook post about him.
Expect more.
When we took in this foster kid for emergency shelter, we were told he only knew 4 signs, couldn't shower himself, needed help wiping, couldn't talk, grabs people and pulls them, slept little, doesn't interact with anyone and that altho he had been on anti psychotic meds he had not taken them for more than 2 weeks.
What we learned
He knows many more than 4 signs (you just have to require him to use them), he can shower himself (with supervision), he can wipe (!), he can say some words (including the very important 3 - hi, please, thank you), he does grab your hand (but only to show you what he wants), he is on a regular 10:00 p.m. - 6:15 a.m. sleep schedule, his meds have kicked in nicely, he is very obedient, he is even tempered - no outbursts at all, AND he LOVES to play Simon Says (I'd say that's pretty interactive!)
His auntie's home on Maui just passed inspection etc. so that she can take him permanently. He leaves on Monday. We are so happy for him!

What was presented and perceived as a challenge has ended up being a wonderful blessing.
Our Lesson
Never give up on anyone. Every person has such potential :)

More of Uncle Kini's Party

The girls loved Candie's baby Maree


At Uncle Kini's 80th Birthday Party.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Got A Friend

S.B. comes to visit Hawaii once a year.  We have lunch.  And talk and talk and talk.  Catch up on our families.  Known her for 25 years or so.

The kind of friend you learn from.  The kind that has been such a role model in my life (and she's waaaay younger).  I always feel better after being around her - been that way since the very beginning.

Thankful for her.  When I grow up I want to be just like her.

Can't wait til our next lunch date - February 2014.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Michelle's Musings

I found Michelle's notebook from school.  She had to write sentences using specific vocabulary words. Here are some of them.

Sulk - Hannah was sulking at mom because she scolded her.
Evidence - I had evidence that Hannah was playing with my iPad.
Occupation - My dad's occupation is being a temple worker.
Contradict - Hannah contradicts herself by saying she doesn't want her baby but now she wants it.
Chronic - Hannah has chronic seizures.
Insufficient - I have insufficient sonic toys.
Maintenance - I did maintenance in my room by picking up my perler beads.
Gullible - I felt gullible when Daddy tricked me.
Famished - I feel famished for dinner.
Acquitted - I acquitted Hannah after she returned my sonic toys.
Vacate - I vacate the bathroom so Hannah can go in.
Malignant - I'm worried that my mom has a malignant beauty mark.
Expelled - Mom expelled Hannah from the car.
Lean - I have a very lean body.
Domestic - Dad shows domestic skills by washing clothes.
Reluctant - I am reluctant to lomi Dad's feet.
Abdomen - Gabe has a soft abdomen.
Beligerent - Gabe was beligerent to Jacob.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One Day More

Til these 2 super cousins arrive for a week of PLAY!
Love My Mossman Ohana

Monday, February 4, 2013

Hi I'm Ginny and I'm A Mormon

So I was asked to submit my profile to and I finally did.  You can see it at (and my picture) at

But here it is below as well.

About Me

My husband and I have 5 children ranging in age from 12 - 25 years old. At age 59 and 62, we are also older than most parents. All of our children are adopted. Four of our children have disabilities. Our youngest 2 girls have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Their birth moms drank alcohol while they were pregnant. Both girls are friendly, loving and love to be helpful. Michelle is 15. She likes babies, dogs, pizza and rice. She has mental retardation and a severe hearing loss. Hannah is 12. She likes singing, dancing, playing outside and candy. She has mental retardation and a very severe seizure disorder. We didn't know that our children had disabilities before we adopted them. Although several of them were slow to make milestones as infants, we believed that if we just gave them enough love they would "snap out of it." But what happened instead was that WE "snapped out of it" and came to love and value them for what they are - beautiful, wonderful children of God. What a privilege it is to be their mother.

Why I am a Mormon

I am a Mormon because it brings me joy. I am a Mormon because it teaches me how to be a better parent. I am a Mormon because, while I do have trials come to me, facing them and everything else in life is easier because of the gospel teachings. I am a Mormon because it gives me peace.

Personal Stories

How has your knowledge of the Plan of Happiness changed/benefited your life?

Knowing that this life is a preparation for eternity gives me comfort and peace. I know that our family can be together forever. I know that the physical and mental disabilities and limitations that my children have are not permanent. I know that our Father in Heaven watches over us and loves us. I know that we are never a lone.

How I live my faith

I teach toddlers at church on Sunday. The children in my class range from 18 months to 3 years old. I LOVE being with them each week. I think my experience raising my own children has helped me be more patient with my toddler class and their energy and excitement keep me feeling young. I keep active in my community by working on task forces and committees focusing on people with disabilities. I think it is important to help everyone see how much people with disabilities contribute to the richness of life. I want to live in a community where my children are cherished just as much as the Savior cherishes them.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Headed to Utah

Memorial Obituaries Wright, Leon

We are so grateful for Leon and all the things he did for us when we lived in Utah.  We are so happy he was able to visit us here in Hawaii - even though it is not his kind of place.

He was a great brother.

Families are Forever.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Leave my laptop for an evening and when I come back I find its been hacked - 
Evidence below.

Monday, December 31, 2012


Hannah had to write her goals for 2013 in Young Women yesterday.  She wrote -

Goal is to get married when I am 40 years old.
Goal is I would like to drive a car and cook.
Goal is to play outside and to go out to eat and to go shopping and to stay home and watch my ipad and listen to music.

Ok with me - except first 2.

Looking Back on 2012

When I think about the last year the big things that stand out are:
Hannah's seizures - which are many and severe but despite them - she is a Trooper!

Michelle and her phone and her friends - text message queen and social butterfly via phone to her 2 friends Erin and "Jazzy-pooh"- We have waited 10 years for her to have FRIENDS

Gabe Graduated!

Went to Wales with our ohana!

Gene's illness kept him down all summer - but he's still alive and kickin'

Bobby died. 

 Gabe's play HONK! - he's been in many but this was my favorite.

And a few other things ...
  • Old people - taking care of my 84 year old friend Kimie 3 nights a week, helping my friend 85 year old friend Marcella with her dr. appointments and also going to her high school reunion luncheon (class of 1945!) - made me appreciate my health
  • Family vacation at Disneyland - enjoyed by all - and immortalized on a wonderful photo collage Susan gave me for Christmas.
  • Swimming - I have come to love my morning swims!  I can't believe how much it has helped my previously aching muscles.
  • AA EXP Facebook Page - wow!  I am learning so much about the ins and outs of AA and travel in general from these AA experts!!  Can't believe my good luck in getting the invite to join that closed group.
  • Seeing Les Mis onstage in Costa Mesa with my brother Bill - so glad he was smart enough to get the redemption message of the play!
  • Les Mis movie opening! - seen it twice - probably a 3rd time today...can't wait for the DVD ;-)

Once again, we Wrights have been tremendously blessed...healthy, comfortable, hopefully wiser.  Not without our challenges and sorrows - but always watched over and loved - proving once again that I MUST be Heavenly Father's favorite.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

3 Christmases

Christmas 1 - Sunday December 23
Cousins Herman, Misty and Alex came over for dinner.  We had a great time talking about travels.  For dinner we had kalua pig, lomi salmon, gazpacho, green salad, chicken skewers and dessert was pumpkin tarts, chocolate cream tarts and banana bread.

Christmas 2 - Monday December 24
Susan, George, Steve, Azeema, and Brandi came over. Oh - and Santa Claus stopped by for photos with the girls.  We ate Hawaiian nachos, ham, poke, green salad and stew and rice.  For dessert we had red velvet cheesecake and cookies.  It was fun - we laughed and had a wonderful time.

Christmas 3 - Tuesday December 25
Susan and George came over in the a.m, to open presents - everyone was please with they gifts and we ate a brunch casserole, biscuits and left over stew.  At 12:30, Gene and I went to see Les Mis!  I enjoyed the day very much.

The best thing about Christmas is being with the family AND knowing that we are loved as evidenced by Heavenly Father sending His son to earth to be our Savior.

Another Christmas development - Susan got a promise ring     :-)

Friday, December 14, 2012


Me:  Okay Michelle do you have your Christmas shopping list ready?
Michelle: Yes
Me: Remember you can only spend $5 on each person
Michelle: Good - Now I can buy Susan an iPad.

Never Too Old

 So the other night I called the girls into the kitchen and had everything set up for them to make graham cracker houses.  I went to work on my laptop for about 10 minutes.  When I came back I found this.

Never too old.
After the construction was completed we drove to Waikiki to give them to Susan.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Partial Update

 So much has happened in the last month - gotta catch up,  But before I forget - wanted to post these pictures of cousins we bumped into at Disneyland on Tuesday!
Great surprise!

Friday, November 2, 2012


Courtesy of Susan

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Had a wonderful 9 day stay in Wales and Ireland.  A few highlights:

We were greeted at Manchester Airport by our cousin Beci Jones!  She is the daughter of cousin Clare who is the daughter of cousin Ian Mossman.  Last time we saw Beci she was about 14 years old.  She finished college and now works in HR for Sainsbury (large chain store in UK) and lives in Manchester.  We so enjoyed spending about 1 hour with her!
Here we are with Beci and Cathy and Godfrey Kaonohi and Wayne and Nanette Judd.

We stopped to see and walk the aqueduct near Wrexham and had lunch/dessert at a little tea house.

Had a MOST excellent dinner at Cousins Ian and Marion's home that evening in Plwmp, Wales.

More to come.

Friday, September 14, 2012

12 Years Old

Celebrating with her class.