Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dance Concert

Gabe's Dance concert started on Friday and ends today. How is it...let me explain:

It is LOUD!!!!

Its all this kind of hip hop kind of contemporary dancing - gyrations, whatever. While I can't appreciate the music style I can appreciate the enthusiasm and energy.

Gabe is pretty much front and center on the numbers he is in - he has great stage presence and looks like he genuinely enjoys being up there.

These Castle High School dance concerts are unreal - you go into the school's very beautiful theater, the lights lower, the concert begins and the audience yells and screams throughout the whole thing - every single number. It is wild!!!

Earplugs necessary - for the music AND the audience (most definitely).

From Jacob

He sent the following email with the subject line "Salutations comrad" - go figure...

"heya, so down to business:

My comps name is Elder Jordan Naylor. he is pretty cool/crazy. not sure what to say tho...

we have a lot of investigators at the moment tho. and a baptism planned every week for the next 3 weeks (another we need to set a date for somewhere in there)

everyone in jerome is nuts. nothing changes there.

everyone is getting sick here with the flu. its redonkyulous.

im not really sure what to say, im not that exciting a person.
Oh wait! i was a pirate for halloween and my comp was richard simmons. the other 2 elders we live with went as flavor flav and our zone leader. ill send pics laters =]

i think i am sick because i have a fever and feel dizzy.

love you guys, take care, and thanks for everything!
elder wright

p.s. "...and you ask yourself, where is my mind?" the Pixies
p.p.s. "A steel lock wont protect the contents of a paper chest" -jacob wright"


Came home late Thursday night from a great 7 day church historical site tour. Thoroughly enjoyable. Fantastic weather, beautiful fall leaves, kind people along the way - a totally inspiring trip.

Below is a photo of the first place we visited - John Johnson's farm in Hiram, Ohio. It was here that the Prophet Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon saw a vision and penned these words:

“And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!

“For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—

“That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God” (D&C 76:22–24)

I know this really happened and that it happened at John Johnson's farm.