Saturday, January 14, 2012

Brown Bags

Gabe is competing in Brown Bags to Stardom at Castle tonight. If he wins then he goes on to I think island-wide competition.

He's doing a crazy song - about Irish things - I never heard of it.

Ms. Meyer (his teacher) told him that he and Rachel (another girl from theater who is in the competition) should have done Love and Honesty as a duet - then they would be sure to win. But neither of them wanted to do that because they don't want to split the $5000 state level prize!!!!

Anyway - I don't think he'll win - not because he isn't good - he is - but because the sponsors of the competition is a Hawaiian radio station...

But he is going for it - with talent, confidence and a blessing from Gene. A good combination I'd say.


So this illness has been hanging at this house for too long.

I'm almost rid of it - after 3 weeks.

Gene's got it - and got it bad. Slept all day today.

Michelle's nose is raw.

Hannah hacks all night.

And the vog is still in the air.

Glad when it leaves! The vog AND the illness!