Friday, December 3, 2010

Something I Heard in the Night

The other night I kept hearing Elvis (the dog) barking. After several hours I went out to look. I opened the door, turned on the light and a little dog ran in the house! I am not an animal lover but this dog was a cutie and obviously belonged to someone.

Luckily he had a tag - I called the number on the tag and it actually was a neighbor 2 houses down. She was in the hospital but said her sister in law was supposed to be watching the dog. Even though this lady had been our neighbor for maybe 4 years we had never seen this little dog - she kept him inside.

It was 4 in the morning - and our dog lover Michelle was asleep - what to do??? We were so tempted to wake her up - and finally gave in to that temptation. She thought she was dreaming!

Someone came to pick up the dog later that morning and Michelle cried when She came home from school and realized Lucien Lau was gone.


So I am on a steroid, pain killers and about to start 8 weeks of PT for pinched L4 nerve and blown disc. Also found out I have severe arthritis in my back. I think the steroids are starting to work and I really haven't had to take the pain meds much. Things are looking up!

Gene was dear - yesterday there was a breakfast meeting that I HAD to attend for work and he took the day off to drive me, with for me and bring me home. (Can't drive on the meds). He's a keeper alright!

I was supposed to leave for Washington D.C. on Sunday for FASD meetings but had to cancel because of my back problems...

No Christmas tree yet but hopefully tonight - it will be fun decorating it. I like the LIGHTS!

Am looking forward to 22 days from now when we get to talk to Jacob on the phone - yay! Then 2 days after that I fly to Las Vegas to meet Stephanie and we drive to Utah for Vanessa's wedding reception. Hopefully the back will be good by then.

I can only sit for about 5 minutes at a time so blogging (and any other type of sit down activity) will come in spurts.

Now's my nap spurt though...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz