Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Double Dose

Went to the neurologist for Hannah yesterday. He had upped her meds a month ago (doubled them) because he wanted the Tegretol at a specific level and hopefully control her seizures.

At this appointment we learned that the blood tests showed the tegretol level in her blood didn't even go up 2/10ths - so very minimal.

Why - when the dose was DOUBLED???

Answer - her metabolism is too high - DUH! The doctor said this as Hannah was jumping around the office...and had already had 41 seizures that day.

SO - we are doubling everything AGAIN and seeing if that will work.

This metabolism thing is, of course, why she eats and yet stays slender, slender, slender.

I want to switch my metabolism for hers - just for one month. Please.


We got an invitation to a Sageet (Engagement Party) for Steve and Azeema. It was on Saturday night. We didn't know what to expect - but the invitation said wear green and bring a south asian dish for potluck.

These are the people that gave the party.
His name is Joe, I can't remember her name but the baby is Anwar.

All the furniture had been removed from the living room and there were mats and pillows around the edges of the room.

There was a beautiful decorated 4 poster bed at the "head" of the room.

Steve and Azeema sat on the bed while each guest hand fed them bits of a special doughnut
This was some kind of Asian cermony. It was very interesting.

Then the women all danced a cultural dance and invited everyone to join them.

Everything was very interesting and the food was plentiful, different and yummy. Everyone was so kind and warm and one more thing I noticed - every single woman that attended (most were Indian/Pakistani I think) - everyone of them was absolutely beautiful! Like movie star beautiful.

It was strange for me to be at a party and realize, for the FIRST TIME EVER that
I wasn't the ONLY beautiful woman in the room.


So last Friday Susan told me that she lost her debit card...GREAT. She was leaving for Bali 2 days later and losing it meant she'd have to take just cash...which is not that great an idea.

We decided we'd let her take one of gene's debit cards.

On Saturday afternoon I got a message on my cell phone from a guy named Gary who found her debit card AND her driver's license (she neglected to tell me she had lost that too).

How did he get my number since its not on either card????


We picked it up that night and she left Sunday.

Someone's watching over us for sure.