Friday, April 30, 2010

And There Wasn't Even A Hidden Camera

Gabe had an assessment/interview by a couple of school district people reviewing his progress, grades, etc. In the written report they wrote

"Gabe appeared to be at ease with the examiners and quickly built rapport. He was friendly, engaging, animated, and occasionally burst into song"

I can see it all...

And I do not doubt one word of it!

I'm A Little Bit Country

I leave tomorrow for Nashville. I am attending the annual Building Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) State Systems meeting and the Native American/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Expert Panel on FASD semiannual meeting (I am a panel member representing Native Hawaiians).

Its kind of hard to go at this particular time - with Hannah's health issues still up in the air. Fortunately she has a capable and loving father who will be here with her.

The meetings are usually quite intense (with some content - mostly the medical - over my head) but it helps me to stay on top of the latest research and information about FASD, the devastating scourge that affects my two youngest children. There is hope out there as more and more people recognize the disability and wider research and treatment options are made available.

I have kind of a down day on Tuesday so I am planning to drive to Louisville to visit my step mother. Its about a 3 hour drive.

Expect blog updates sporadically - and mostly addressed to the girls.

I get home on Friday night - then will spend the whole night cooking and preparing for our ward's annual Mother's Day Breakfast. Fun!

Looking at my whole itinerary I have to ask myself - "WHY did you schedule a flight with a 3 hour layover in San Francisco - the airport with the smallest Admirals Club in the world and the one with NO SHOWER???" I must be slipping.

Dance Concert


So exciting - and sure to be loud. Castle Dance Force dance concerts are the wildest things you will ever experience. Its a total audience-goes-nuts event. (The audience pretty much screams throughout the whole thing - kinda like a rock concert).

Gabe is in 6 numbers - which means 6 costumes (ouch says my credit card).

The weeks of grueling practice (at times more than 8 hours a day) culminate on the stage tonight

And I shall be sitting like a proud mama in seat C16 (3rd row - center seat) and screaming
"That's My Boy!"

Washington D.C. Photos

World War II Memorial
Washington D.C. Temple
We got to go to a session! Such a beautiful place!

Washington Monument
We've been to D.C. probably more than 1 dozen times and this was our first time inside the monument- of course this photo was taken before we went in.

Guess Who Got Their Driver's License?

Some Call It The Happiest Place On Earth...

We call it Stupid Hat Kingdom.

Who Loves The Merry-Go-Round?


Even Big Kids

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Gene's Managua Nicaragua bound for his birthday. He leaves the 14th of May (his birthday) and returns on the 19th of May.

I am not even sure where Nicaragua is much less what to see there...but we have a good friend named Larry who is from Nicaragua so we'll be calling him to get some ideas.

Why Nicaragua you ask? Simple - 55,000 frequent flyer mile special (and all in 1st class)!

I'm not going. Not interested at all. In fact, after my meetings in Nashville next week I am home for at least 4 months. There's really only one place I want to go - Las Vegas to see my cousin - but I'm not sure if I can pull that off.

What Can You Do????

Is Hannah still having seizures? Yes - like 3-5 per day
So the meds are not working? Apparently they are not.
So what's next? Dr. tomorrow then neurologist next Tuesday.

But note - the seizures are small ones and once she snaps out of them she is fine.

But here's the worst part. After 3 seizures per day the school says they won't keep her so she has to come home...I think that is illegal.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello Hannah and Michelle

Hi Girls!

We are in Washingotn DC. It is suppsoed to rain today. I have been in meetings the past 2 days. Today we will go on a tour and see some places like the Capitol and the Washington Monument. We will go on the metro which is an underground train.

We miss you very much. I hope you are both having a great day and that you have been obedient to Susan.

We will come home tomorrow night. we will have to catch 3 airplanes to get home.

Love you - be kind to everyone - especially each other.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hannah Update

After a full day in the ER, Hannah is spending the night in the hospital to stabilize meds. She is having such a difficult time being there but hopefully all will be well and she will be home tomorrow. After a total of 7 seizures in 4 hours the ER was the only route.

Silver lining - because she was admitted, her neurologist moved up her appt. from May 17th to May 4th.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Poor thing - seizures up to 4 times a day...and we're still waiting for the neurologist to get back to us!!!

What a Face!

Here's a picture of Michelle at her Young Women's activity last night.
They made dips. She likes chips!
She's so small. The other 2 girls are barely 12.
Michelle is almost 13.

Monday, April 19, 2010

This Week

Since we're leaving on Thursday for Washington D.C. I'll have a busy week but am looking forward to 3 more films - Mid-August Lunch, Bran Nue Dae, and A Good Rain Knows. The first is Italian, the second Australian Aboriginal and the third is Korean (I think).

Michelle keeps asking what I will do in Washington D.C. and can't quite believe that all I will do is go to meetings. She's right - we do plan on going to the temple one night (Friday) and also meeting up with some friends (the Blacks) while we are there.

Its 4:30 a.m. and I just woke Gabe up to finish his homework. This is a rough time for him - Dance concert rehearsals are brutal. They run 4-9 p.m. weekdays and 10-6 p.m. weekends. And he comes home dead tired (and REALLY grouchy) - but homework trumps everything.

Dance concert is two weeks away so the end is in sight...for all of us!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Problem With Foreign Films they don't come with a while I don't go to R rated movies normally, one that should get an R rating slips in at the film festival.

Last night's Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was one such film. Lots of action but...the R rated stuff just doesn't suit me.

Yesterday afternoon's Korean film, A Brand New Life was definitely G rated. Its the story of a young girl who is left at an orphanage by her father - through most of the film she holds on to the notion that he's coming back for her - then finally abandons that hope and embraces another - as she flies off to be adopted by a French couple. I recommend this one.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Film Recommendation

The opening film of this year's Hawaii International Film Festival's Spring Showcase did not disappoint. Mao's Last Dancer is one of the top three movies I have ever seen in my life.

From the Academy Award nominated director Bruce Beresford (DRIVING MISS DAISY, TENDER MERCIES), comes the inspirational true story of Li Cunxin and his extraordinary journey from poverty to international stardom. MAO'S LAST DANCER beautifully captures the intoxicating effects of first love, celebrity and the pain of exile. Ultimately, the story depicts the aspirations of all immigrants and the fulfillment of the American dream.

Superb music, inspirational ballet, beautiful cinematography and a heart-warming story of sacrifice, dedication, determination and family.

Seldom has a film left me so inspired and satisfied. I walked out of the theater smiling and crying at the same time.

Wonderful, wonderful!

It is supposed to open in theaters in the fall.

Treat yourself!
(Tomorrow its A Brand New Day & The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Playing Tourist

Going to Polynesian Cultural Center today - got the Super Ambassador package - private tour guide and all.

Something different...but I know it'll be a loooooooooooooooooong day.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Little Sympathy

Hannah wanted me to take a photo of her i.v. yesterday. Camera phone=blurry picture.

I'm into Nostalgia Today

So when I decided to redo the blog banner I ran across a bunch of random photos I thought I'd post. Its the labeling that I find tedious...

Gene & I in Cinque Terre Italy
Gene laughing while playing Hi henry in Italy or Scotland (I forget where)

Pretty Ladies
My handsome men

Gene's Debut

I think Gene's "Lost" episode was on last night. I saw online that the episode that was on last night was about Hugo - and Gene said the episode he was in was about I figured...

Since we don't have t.v. I am currently downloading the episode from itunes to my ipod. Will let you know if its the one -

For those of you who watched it - maybe you already know -

Or maybe not...

Monday, April 12, 2010


Some pictures from '13'.

That's my boy!

Girls and Some Friends at Universal

California Cousins

Here's some pictures from our visit to California last month. We got to visit with my sister Susan and her awesome family. I love my sister! She has the warmest heart! She is a wonderful mother - I am in awe of her!

We hung out at her house - let the kids play in the backyard with the dog - Trooper. We went to the pool and out to dinner. Everything was low key and relaxing.

Her oldest son is Dylan - same age as Jacob. He is tall, handsome and smart. Very interesting fellow - we enjoyed talking to him.

Sam is next. He is very friendly so he reminds me of Sue. He taught Michelle how to play wii!

Then there's Emma! She is a cutie - but the BEST thing about her is that she is sooooooooo kind! She was so patient with the two girls! She was the highlight of their trip!

All of her kids have Sue's warm personality and winning smile. They are AWESOME people.

Playing Catch Up

So after being sick for about a week I am playing the catch up game...and here's my list for today:

1. Get my tradeshow work done - about 2 weeks late!!!!
2. Compile Salary Survey for ACECH - about 1 week late!!!
3. Write my boy!
4. Clean the house
5. Compile Family Reunion email list
6. Post California pictures to the blog

Let's see how far I get.

Other news -
  • Gabe was ordained to the office of a priest yesterday!
  • Tomorrow we take Hannah to the hospital for EEG. She has fallen 16 times in the last month.
  • Gabe's play closed on Saturday night. I saw every performance (7) and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE!! I would see them all again and then some. I will try to post some pics later.
  • Susan is preparing for a summer trip to Thailand and Bali...ooh to be young and free!
  • We got to see Uncle Kini and Aunty Judee a week and a half ago at Gabe's play. Uncle looks great with his oh-so-distinguished-cane.
  • Jacob bought a new suit and tie with his birthday money.
  • Gabe's in rehearsals for Spring Dance Concert and another play. Such a busy guy!
  • We are getting ready to leave next Thursday for my annual meeting in Washington D.C. - in preparation Gene is reading The Lost Symbol.
  • We have a friend, Mary Boman, coming in from Utah to visit. We'll meet up with her at least a couple of times this week.
  • I just bought tickets for the Hawaii International Film Festival's Spring Showcase which starts this Friday with the film Mao's Last Dancer. Then we'll see films on Sat., Tues., and Wednesday. I have a great friend who willingly goes with me to the films.

So much to be thankful for!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Wonderful Easter

Today was a most glorious day - Easter Sunday. A perfect day to think about all that I have been blessed with. Reasonably good health, a nice warm home, supportive friends, the comforts of life, a job, relatively healthy children, an active mind, new opportunities to learn and grow each day, the chance to repent and do better tomorrow, a wonderful family...and the knowledge that we can be together forever because of HIM whose resurrection we celebrate today.

Oh sweet the joy this sentence gives...I know that my Redeemer lives.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good News!

And because He does - we shall too!