Thursday, May 26, 2011


Yesterday I had a full day conference I was coordinating for ACECH - with Mayor, Lt. Governor AND Governor all speaking. I also had to get Gabe ready to fly out, get the girls out of school early, get Gabe to the airport AND then take the girls to Girls Club! Oh I forgot - I also had to go to the dentist!!!

I am happy to report - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

The conference went off without a hitch - except the Governor was late but no biggie.
Gabe and Lakona got to the airport in plenty of time and are now in Utah until June 6.
I did get to the dentist.
Gene picked up Michelle which saved me a stop.
Had 30 minutes to spare before Girls Club - so visited with Brandi and took a 5 minute nap.
Whew! Home by 8:30!

Girls Club was awesome. It is 1 Wed. per month at Easter Seals and is a Club for girls with intellectual disabilities - they play games, have dinner, etc. It is the perfect place for Michelle and Hannah. Finally - they have FRIENDS!

Today we leave for Helsinki - back on Tuesday. Can't wait to sleep on the plane!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Michelle's Car

Michelle got a plasma car for her birthday.
Luckily it has a weight limit of 200 lbs. because lots of grownups rode it.


George (Susan's boyfriend)



And finally


Special Recognition

Hannah got a Special Recognition Award at school last week for Resiliency! She sure has displayed resiliency as she's faced the challenges of seizures, classroom changes and a psycho teacher!

Hannah & Mom & Dad

Hannah & Aunty Leo

Hannah & Mrs. Juliet - the WONDERFUL teacher (not to be confused with Ms. PSYCHO teacher)
We are so proud of Hannah!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hard to believe it - but she is!

She thinks she looks cool when she winks.

Small Town Local Feeling

Kaneohe has that small town local feeling - and I love it. It was brought home to me once again as I attended Castle High School's graduation last night.
  • Everyone seemed to be there
  • Seemed like Everyone knew everyone else
  • Cars were parking everywhere - on the medial strip, in no parking areas, double parking - and no parking tickets were issued
  • Oh the police were there - enjoying the festivities
  • Everyone cheered for everyone's else's graduate (as the names were called)
  • Samoan, Japanese, Korean, Haole, Hawaiian, Filipino names called out with perfection
  • Only about 1000 people had actual tickets for the event but many more arrived early and stood around waiting to rush the field to congratulate their graduate
  • You could never bring enough lei to this graduation - after you give to everyone you know you want to give to the kids who don't have as many
  • At 9:00 the graduates are driven through Kaneohe town on buses bound for Project Grad Night activity. The streets are lined with folks wishing them well.
I love Kaneohe.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gene's 60th

We had a great time in Phoenix and Utah for Gene's birthday. Here's one picture - blurry - from our final morning.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

PaRTy Day

Lots of reasons to celebrate at the beach today -

birthdays (3!)

Love it.