Monday, September 26, 2011


Yup I sure have been when it comes to posting. But I have been busy.

Last week was tradeshow. This weekend Carly and Lehua came over. Will post pictures later. It was great to have them - but 4 girls with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a bit much ;)

We went out to dinner last week for George's birthday.

Went to see Phantom of the Opera last Friday night. Gene and I both enjoyed it and are so glad that Gabe has the opportunity to be in it and work with such talented performers!

Trying to get ready for next week's trip to Scotland - still some loose ends to tie up.

Feeling very grateful for everything. I am Heavenly Father's favorite.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Here again. For 5 hours.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Went to Opening Night. Gabe does not have a large part - but he does terrific in the scenes he is in - dancing mostly.

The voices in the show are AMAZING! So much talent here in Hawaii.

And like his experience last year with Director Ron Bright, this play stretches Gabe - giving him opportunities to kick it up a notch as he performs with experienced adult performers.

21 performances total for the show of which 20 are already sold out.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Second Email from Gene in China

Have a little time before we head out, so I thought I would talk a little more. You are probably asleep now so you will get this when you wake. Our guide Peter has been very nice, he is very knowledgeable and he speaks very good English. Yesterday Wendell stayed at the farmers house because he over did the hike and sprained his knee. It was a difficult climb, so it was good he stayed back. This morning he felt good enough to go with us up the mountain. There are a lot of people here in Beijing. King's Joy hotel is about a five minute walk to the Forbidden City. We are leaving most of our luggage here at the hotel while we travel to Xi'an. We will only take our backpacks. I think the guys are glad the hiking is over. Our driver, Shao doesn't speak English, but he is friendly. Here in the hotel they have an aquarium with red fish, it is large, very colorful. Last night we had BBQ trout, it was good. We've had an array of food, most I was familiar with. Miss you, like I said I will try to email you tomorrow.

First Email from Gene in China

I am glad everything is going okay and that everyone is safe. The hiking portion of the trip is over, beautiful country. I must admit the hiking was much more arduous than I thought it would be. Monday was Paul's birthday and Gary bought him a wonderful cake. It was very nice of him. Tonight Gary is going to buy us dinner. The food has been fantastic. It is a little different than the Chinese food in Hawaii, but very good. Tuesday we stop at a restaurant for dinner, when we finished and walking back to the car there was a three foot black and red snake at the entrance to the restaurant, a little excitement for the day. The weather has been great. After the hike yesterday, back at the farmers house, it started to thunder and lightening, it rained most of the night. You did a wonderful job scheduling this trip. I thank you very much. We are going to Xi'an after dinner. Will try to write tomorrow night.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

30 Days and Counting

Leaving for Scotland on Oct. 6.

Can't wait!

Monday, September 5, 2011


So this is a picture of Gene and 3 of his buddies in China. The 4th guy is taking the picture. Looks like they could be anywhere really.

Got 7 emails from him when he was enroute to China but none since arriving. I think they are starting Day 3 of their hike of the Great Wall of China. What an adventure they must be having!

The guy who sent the photo (to his wife who forwarded it to me) - he said lots of steep steps which can make ones knees ache...

Hope all goes well.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I was so excited the other week when my cousin emailed me telling me she was pregnant. She is already the BEST mom to 2 little girls.

Sadly, she emailed me on Wednesday to tell me she had miscarried :(

Love her lots and am sad.


One week til Opening Night. Gabe is busier than ever - rehearsal nightly til 10:30 - almost full day rehearsals on the weekend.

The show has been extended until Oct. 16 AND its sold out on many nights.

I usually try to go to every performance - but this one has steep ticket prices ($45). So I am going opening weekend (2 nights) and maybe 1 more time...if I can get tickets.

Great Weekend

Gene left yesterday for 10 days. Hiking the Great Wall of China. No phone or email contact for 8 days.

I am sure he will have a GREAT time on the GREAT Wall. He is in GREAT shape. He is going with some GREAT friends.

Can't wait til he gets back - can't imagine the experience.