Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This one turns 18!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Renewed Sisterhood

So I have a friend whom I've known 20+ years. She now lives on the East Coast. She's one of those that even though you haven't seen them in years, you can get together and pick up right where you left off.

She was here on vacay and we had lunch yesterday.

It is such a BLESSING to have her in my life. Even though we only talk once a year - if that.

I can tell her anything.

LOVE her.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

More Great Wall

Gene and his old men friends on the wall.
I am so proud of them - only one flashing the shaka.


Elvis goes back to his hotel suite at the Kaneohe VCA Hospital today for a 2 night vacation.

I am sure Elvis is excited to live in the lap of luxury even if for just 48 hours.

Surely a bath and manicure were included for the price we were charged.

Oh - and real dog food - not dried stuff like he gets from his owner's (read abandoner's) parents.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Your Wish is My Command

My cousin was nagging me saying I never change the banner photo on the blog. It is hard to get everyone together to take a photo these days.

So...this new photo banner is for she'll stop nagging.

Of course Gene will choke when he realizes HE'S the focus of it all - haha!

That's him on the Great Wall!

We're Back

And have been for more than a week but my cousin reminded me I'm not keeping up!

We had a great time in the Bay area. We stayed near San Jose - did a little hiking and saw some sights - mostly out of the city - we hate cities.

It was great spending time together for our 36th anniversary.

Here is a photo of us on the little walk to Point Bonita lighthouse. Unfortunately the lighthouse was closed for renovation so we could not go across the scary bridge.

Notice Gene's fine european handbag (aka my purse).
Here's a photo of us taken 2 years ago in about the same spot!

I even have on the same clothes ;)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bound for the Bay

36th Anniversary.

Leaving Thursday night - back on Monday night.

Thank goodness I was able to farm Hannah out to Jill and that Jacob and Samantha will watch Michelle and, most importantly, Brandi will be controlling Gabe's leash.

Heard my cousin Cliff Ahue died. He was a year younger than me at Kamehameha. Really a nice person. Services on Feb. 22