Friday, September 26, 2008

The Big Day

It's finally here! The day I've been waiting for for 2 years! LES MISERABLES opens at Diamond Head Theater! I'll be sitting in seat J213 - right next to my good friend Nancy Levensen!!!! I have been listening to the soundtrack all day in preparation.

I have a ticket for tomorrow night (the best seat in the house - opened up today so I grabbed it! G207). Then I have tickets for Oct. 2 and Oct. 11.

Tonight will be my 14th viewing of the greatest theater production of all time!!!! I've seen it several times in Hawaii, a couple of times in Utah, London, Arizona, Los Angeles, San Diego, Kentucky and Washington D.C.

I love the music and all of the characters! I can start crying just with the first song! I can't wait for the crying to begin tonight!!!!

(I won't tell you how much money I've spent on my Les Mis obsession)

1 comment:

The Webber's said...

Ginny -
I just found your blog! How fun! I loved catching up on your family - I can't believe how grown up your girls are! The last time I saw Michelle I was pregnant with Logan and she was looking under my shirt asking, "When is the baby coming out?"
I was just remembering that my first trip to Les Mis was with you! And you bought me the soundtrack and got me hooked as well! I think I was about 14.
Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!
Love ya!