Tuesday, September 9, 2008

FASD Awareness Day

Today is International Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day. We all went to the Capitol to witness the Proclamation signing and to hear Michelle give a speech. All the kids attended as well as Gene & Aunty Leo. Lt. Governor James "Duke" Aiona specifically introduced Michelle. (She gave him a big hug and kiss when she saw him in the briefing room - we still gotta work on those personal space issues). Duke's wife Vivian serves with me as Co-Chair of the State FAS Task Force. She is also pictured. There were many others there too.

This is what Michelle said in her speech. She wrote her speech herself.
(I held up the signs cause sometimes its hard to understand her)

My name is Michelle Wright.
I am 11 years old.
I like swimming, pizza and babies.
When I grow up I want to be a nurse.
I have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

My birth mother drank alcohol when I was in her tummy.
Alcohol hurt my brain.
But my brain is getting better now.
I am happy to meet all of you.

Michelle did a great job with her speech. She was also very excited about having on a new dress and new shoes - but complained that the shoes were too hot. She also got a hair cut for the occasion. She wanted to get her nails done too but I said no to that one. We are very proud of her.

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