Sunday, September 21, 2008

Its GR82B8

Our sweet Hannah was baptized on Sunday Sept. 21, 2008. the service was at 5:00 p.m. Soooooo many people came - probably close to 100.

It was a very special service. Hannah was so excited.

The Opening Prayer was given by Jarom Laumatia. Michelle gave a talk about Adam and Eve and Jesus. Hannah and Sis. Stacey sang "If the Savior Stood Beside Me". Then Hannah was baptized by Gene. Marie Richter sang "I'm trying to be Like Jesus". Gabe and his cousins Telenoti, Maui, Po'u, Ben, & Jarom sang "We'll Bring the World His truth". Hannah's teacher, jennifer Tonga gave a talk. Hannah was then confirmed by her dad. Also standing in the circle were Kapewa Parker (my cousin), Manu Mafi (my cousin-in-law) and Eli Frost (our home teacher). Tyler Jinbo gave the closing prayer.

After the service we had dinner - chili, hot dogs, chicken, rice, potato salad, pasta salad, corn on the cob, brownies, mochi, ice cake.

It was a great day!

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