Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Special News for Hannah & Michelle

Hi Girls,

I have some special news - on Thursday we will find out about 2 little girls who will soon come to live with us.

One girl is almost 1 years old. Her name is Lehua. The other girl's name is Carly Rose. She is almost 3 years old.

I know this is a a big surprise. It was a surprise for Daddy and me too. The social worker just called and asked us if we wanted more children in our family.

So after my airplane lands then Dad and I will go to the social worker's office. They will come home to us in afew days.

I know you are both ready to be big sisters. I know you will be kind and helpful to the 2 little girls. You can help today by making sure you put all your toys away and put the little toys up high so that Lehua doesn't get them in her mouth.

I love you!


The Webber's said...

Ginny -
WOW! That is some BIG news! That is so great that you are taking the girls! I'm sure it is not an easy thing for you to do, but they will be so blessed by you and your family! Can't wait to see pictures and hear about them! Good luck! You will have babies younger than me...until September!

Clark Family said...

I'm so happy for you and your growing family!! Can't wait to meet them!!