Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Questions, Answers & Blood

So yesterday this social worker comes over to talk about the new kids etc. She had made an appointment for 3:00 - fine. She came - she was nice enough. But she stayed 3+ hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's up with that????

And while she was here:
  1. She had to talk to each of us individually.
  2. Jacob talked about preparing for mission and importance of Family Home Evening (yea!)
  3. Gabe talked about his performances and importance of Family Home Evening (yes!)
  4. Hannah talked about the ocean and a doctor kit (huh?)
  5. Michelle talked about how she didn't want to talk to the lady but wanted to go outside with Elvis (yea!)
  6. The lady let Lehua play with her file folder
  7. Lehua got a cut on her finger from the lady's file folder and bled everywhere
  8. Gene had to take Lehua to emergency cause it was bleeding so bad and wouldn't stop
  9. Jacob had to go along to apply pressure to the bleeding finger
  10. Hannah wet her pants twice.
  11. Michelle, Hannah and Carly got into 3 screaming fights over the toy doctor kit Carly got for her birthday.
  12. I had to find Gabe a ride to the airport (for his trip to Scotland) cause Gene had taken the car to the hospital with Gabe
  13. Michelle kept nagging for dinner saying "But Mom I am so hungry."
  14. The lady kept asking her stupid questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are a social worker - get a clue - tune into what's happening around you and adjust!!!!!

Dinner was at 7:30 - rice and eggs

The Good News
Lehua's finger got glued (can't wet it for 3 days - yea, right - try that with a 1 year old!)

More Good News
Gene did sneak out later and got Panda Express for he and I - sweet date!

The lady is coming back on Thursday cause she didn't get to talk much to Gene cause SHE made my baby's finger bleed so bad he had to leave and take her to the hospital!!!

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