Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Travel - Church History Tour

Well we have our Fall travel plans made - tickets paid for and reservations made. We'll be doing a self tour of the following church history sites:

Palmyra, New York
Smith family farm
Hill Cumorah
Martin Harris Farm
Sacred Grove

Kirtland, Ohio
John Johnson Farm
Newell K. Whitney Store
Kirtland Temple

Independence, Missouri
Liberty Jail
David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery Gravesites
Monument to Alexander Doniphan

Nauvoo, Illinois
Carthage Jail

We are going with our friends the Frosts who are good traveling companions. We'll fly into Cleveland then drive to Kirtland and Palymra (with a stop at Niagra Falls) then fly from Rochester to Kansas City, Mo. We'll drive from Kansas City to St. Louis (seeing Nauvoo enroute). And...we'll do it all in a week (Nov. 5-12). Best of all - our upgrades have already come through!

Looking forward to the opportunity for travel with good friends to see sights that will definitely reaffirm my testimony that God lives and Jesus is the Christ.

Anyone care to join us?

1 comment:

Bunch of Bradys said...

Wish we could be there! We did some church history touring this summer at the Cumorah Pageant and the kids loved it! Enjoy! Lori