Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Email to Jacob

So I thought I'd be funny in my email to Jacob - I titled it "Message to Methalos of the Horde" (I don;t know what that means)

"Aunty had a terrific birthday yesterday. She got her hair cut and her car oiled and greased and went to dinner with Molleen etc.

I went to Young Women with Michelle last night and she gave a talk and did a good job .

I don't know if you heard but because of the bad economy, they cut the school days so now school is only 4 days a week. No Fridays.

We will go to Byodo In Temple with Carly and Lehua and their foster family on Saturday. YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a short note. We love you. You are a good man, Charlie Brown.

One more thing "A bird sings not only when it flies but also when its shot with a b.b. gun" - I made that up - really quite profound.

Love, Your Pretty Mama

P.S. "I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain." - Elton John
(See you are not the only one who can sign off with obscure lyrics)"

- Yes I am quite the comedian don't ya think?

(Picture from FOG trip to Italy in 2007. The dot on my head is from a game we were playing)

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