Monday, May 10, 2010


It was a great Mother's Day for me. Jacob called and we all got to talk to him - we talked for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. He sounds so good.

He is healthy and happy and enjoying his mission. He is in a totally biking area now so is getting a lot of exercise. He said a lady in a store bought him a bike helmet - totally random.

His faith in the Lord has grown and I can hear the love that he has for missionary work in his voice. The area he is in, Eagle Idaho, is a rich area and he and his companion live in the basement of a members home on a golf course.

He says they eat at different members homes every night and fend for themselves for breakfast and lunch. he and his current companion share food.

He said last week he went to a sushi p0lace to eat - it was a pslurge - $25 per person - and he stuffed himself and got sick.

Love that boy and talking to him made my day!

Only 7 more months til I hear his voice again - Christmas.

1 comment:

The Webber's said...

I love Michelle's card - Hilarious! We have good friends in Eagle, ID. You will have to ask Jacob if he has met Jon and Annie Scott. He is a dentist there - He went to dental school with Darren and is practicing up there. They have 3 little girls.