Sunday, August 22, 2010

Quick Update

Been awhile and I still am busy to the max so this will be quick...but - things are gong well at our hale!

Gabe is soooooooooooo busy with rehearsals. His show, Once On This Island (from the Broadway caribbean Little Mermaid production), opens on Oct. 10 at Paliku Theater. This one is giving him LOTS of exposure and learning opportunities in the world of theater - not high school level as he has had in the past. Its working with almost all adults in a very professional atmosphere.

Honestly - he is involved in so many things I'm not sure which is which. I know Saturday he was doing some kind of Kung fu panda voice over work with James Hong. I know he is supposed to be auditioning for a touring show with Kaiser Permanente and then there's Dance Concert rehearsals. And with all that going on we got a GREAT progress report from school - A's and B's! Hope he keeps up the good work.

Michelle is enjoying 7th grade and horseback riding. She got her hair cut short on Friday. I'll post pictures later. She is so funny - the other day she said:

"Mom today is PE in the weight room! I love the weight room!"

I said, "What do they have in the weight room?"

She said, "A bicycle and another thing that you hold."

I said "What do you do in the weight room?"

She said "I ride the bike and I burn 6 calories!"

I said, "Wow! 6 calories!"

She said, "Yup! Can I have a Pop-Tart?"

Hannah is now in 5th grade. We are still struggling with her seizures. She averages about 16 per day : (

Despite those seizures she's still a bundle of energy. As in "Hannah stop climbing on the door, Hannah stop running around the house, Hannah get down off that shelf, Hannah quit kicking that..."

Every morning she say "Hey mom, want me to play you a beautiful song?" Then she proceeds to play the same 5 notes of her original piano composition for me. Everyday the same least she's not banging on the piano.

Its great to have Susan home. She is such a helpful girl! Yesterday we went to a birthday party for Carly and Lehua and she spent most of the time holding baby CJ. She is back working with Kaily at Castle High School but with a schedule change - she works Tues, Wed, Thurs. only. Now she can pick up sub jobs on Monday and Friday.

Gene ran a half marathon on Saturday and did well! He can't wait until his birthday next year when he turns 60 because that will put him in an older category - he jokingly says at that age "everyone's a winner - just like in Special Olympics".

Oh yeah, he got called again to be an extra - this time on Hawaii Five-O. But after his last experience (which was too much sitting around and waiting for him) - he had to turn down the role. Such a diva!

Jacob is fine and so appreciates those of you who write him. He only has ONE YEAR LEFT! And only 4 months until he can call home (on Christmas!)

He is so sweet - he sent Hannah a ball through the mail. Just wrote her name and address on it and had it stamped and mailed. The mail carrier said "This is a first for me!" She's obviously new because he sent a ball to Michelle in May. What makes this even cuter is that he sent it for Hannah's birthday which he THOUGHT was on August 14th - but its really on September 14th!

Am looking forward to a week of catch up. Honestly, I came home from Virginia, and instead of delving back into my mounds of work, decided to go to lunch and the movie with a friend! Oh well - paying for that slacking day starting tomorrow.

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