Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Whoa - this week!

Got back from Utah last night.

This week -
  • 3 meetings today
  • 1 conference call at 3 - please help me remember this.
  • Dinner tonight with sister and her fam visiting from California
  • Catch up from being gone last week
  • Uncle coming in on Wed.
  • Brother coming in on Friday
  • Decorate for bridal shower on Thurs. for Azeema
  • Horseback riding for Michelle Sat a.m.
  • Steve's wedding Sat. a.m.
  • Pick up the food for wedding
  • Reception at 5:30 p.m.
  • Get Gabe to rehearsal every night 6:30 - 10:00 p.m.


But the week has started off GREAT! I got a letter from Jacob!

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