Thursday, October 7, 2010

When it Rains

It pours!

Gene's supposed to leave next Tuesday for India. Well he is sick - down flat. He actually has been battling a cold or something for about 2 weeks. He thinks its progressing but yesterday he could hardly get up and he'll probably stay home from work today too.

He went to the Dr. on Wednesday for his precautionary malaria pills for his trip - Dr. sent him to get a flu shot and also told him the malaria pills are actually good for bronchitis.

So we are thinking maybe his cold will get better soon

And maybe that flu shot gave him a small dose of the flu...

Anyway - also the dryer is broken

And the ice dispenser on the fridge door is broken.

And did I mention the air con in SHRED (our Toyota Echo) is broken?

And the "change oil" light is coming on in the van?

And the safety inspection on EDGE (our Toyota Camry) has expired?

And Mike the Mechanic cannot come to repair the cars until next week?

But there are still things that make me smile

Like Michelle wearing one of THREE pairs of 2 1/2 inch heels Leo gave to
Hannah for her birthday.

Only the most fashionable wear them with socks.

1 comment:

Bunch of Bradys said...

Love the shoes! But let her know they're bad for the back and knees:)
Sorry about the illness. Hope he's on the mend. Why is he going to India? I want to go! What part of India? with a group? Researching a book? etc.