Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kindness of Strangers

Got this email this morning from a wonderful stranger -

Hi Sister Wright!

My name is Starla Jeppson and I live in Boise, Idaho. My husband is the ward mission leader and we made breakfast for our missionaries this morning and they are having their meeting right now with him, going over the members of our ward. Your son was just transferred into our area at the last transfers, but I thought you would like to hear that he is warm, fed, and doing the Lord's work over here! :D He seems like a very nice elder...we look forward to working with him more here in our ward.
We also have a son out serving a mission, he is in Nicaragua, and I know I would LOVE to get a picture of him, so I am including the two pictures I took this morning. I took the first one, then told them both to smile! :D His message to you is: "You are you from me. TTYL!"

Have a wonderful Christmas phone call!

A fellow missionary mom,

And here's the photo
I am totally going to do this when missionaries come over to our house!
Means so much to their families (moms especially)

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