Friday, December 3, 2010


So I am on a steroid, pain killers and about to start 8 weeks of PT for pinched L4 nerve and blown disc. Also found out I have severe arthritis in my back. I think the steroids are starting to work and I really haven't had to take the pain meds much. Things are looking up!

Gene was dear - yesterday there was a breakfast meeting that I HAD to attend for work and he took the day off to drive me, with for me and bring me home. (Can't drive on the meds). He's a keeper alright!

I was supposed to leave for Washington D.C. on Sunday for FASD meetings but had to cancel because of my back problems...

No Christmas tree yet but hopefully tonight - it will be fun decorating it. I like the LIGHTS!

Am looking forward to 22 days from now when we get to talk to Jacob on the phone - yay! Then 2 days after that I fly to Las Vegas to meet Stephanie and we drive to Utah for Vanessa's wedding reception. Hopefully the back will be good by then.

I can only sit for about 5 minutes at a time so blogging (and any other type of sit down activity) will come in spurts.

Now's my nap spurt though...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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