Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Michelle and I were at the mall.  She wanted a Sonic the Hedgehog Deluxe Set (little cartoon figures) from Toys R Us.  The cost was $37.99 - she had the $ but not with her.

I told her she could borrow from me but she had to pay me back when she got home.

We bought the set.

When we got home I told her I wanted my $37.99

She went to her piggy bank and I could hear her counting out her change.  I could hear her sighing, indicating she was getting tired of counting out the change,

After a few minutes she brought some change into me and said "Here's your 99 cents".

I said "But where's my 37?"

She came over to the 99 cents that she had laid out on the table for me, counted 37 cents from that, and said "Right here is your 37."

I told her I wanted 37 dollars.

She sighed again - went in and dumped her bank and started counting.

Twenty minutes later she handed me $37 in coins and looked sadly in the bank saying "You took all my money except a little bit."

Gene came in and said "I tell you what - I'll give you the $37.99 back and you give me the Sonic Deluxe Set!"

She rolled her eyes (like any 15 year old would) and said "Dad mind your own business."

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