Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Little Sister

I got a cool letter from my littlest sister. I love getting her letters. She is having a difficult time in her life but her letters always are cheerful and full of kind words to me. She lifts my spirits. I am so thankful for her - there is I think 22 years difference between us - but I hold her so close in my sweet Leilani.

Well He is LOST!

Several weeks ago Gene took Gabe to a casting call for LOST. They went at 6:00 a.m. After waiting for 3 hours they finally passed out the applications and took photos. gene decided since he waited so long he'd fill one out too.

SURPRISE! Today he got a call to come in and do a reading! They are looking for white guys for a flashback scene to Harvard University. Well Gene is white.

Will let you know how bumpy his road to stardom is...