Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday

To my Mama.

She would be 79 today.

Happy Birthday Mama.

Wednesday Nights

Gene works at the temple Wednesday nights so its quiet around here (not that he makes a lot of noise).

I cook whatever - or not at all - on Wednesday nights.

Gabe doesn't have rehearsals on Wednesday nights.

The two girls read or play quietly on Wednesday nights.

I like Wednesday nights.

Who's In Charge?

I asked Michelle to get me a cup of ice water.

She did and when she gave it to me she said, "Can you get your own next time?"

I replied, "No".

She said, "Are your legs broken?"

I said, "No".

She said, "Well why can't you get it yourself?"

I replied, "Because I'm the mother and you're the kid. You have to do what I say"

She said, "But I'm not the mother!"

I said, "Right that's why you gotta do what I say - like get me water!"

She looks at my water and says, "Can I have a sip?"

I said, "No. Go get your own!"

She walks off muttering to herself, "But I'm not the mother!"

He Wrote - So I Breathe - For 7 More Days at Least

Dearest Mother,
So this is my day:
Today Jacob Wakes up and turns off the alarm on the phone. except that it is not an alarm, someone is actually calling us at 6:15 in the morning. One of our investigators dialed the wrong number. So i get 15 more mins of sleep.
Now Jacob Gets out of bed for reals. And crawls to the bathroom to find a spanish elder on the pot (oh yeah, we had 2 spanish move in with us in our apartment. one doesnt ever lock the bathroom door...)
Jacob, waiting to shower, forgoes morning exercise in favor of the ever well balanced breakfast that is doughnuts and mountain dew.
Jacob goes in to the shower and lets hot water run over him for about 10 mins before actually beginning the cleansing process.
For studies Jacob and comp relate scripture people to star wars characters (after all, it is pday studies.)
Jacob then watches as the spanish missionaries take off in their full-time car taking only a moment to fantasize of the varied comforts it would offer before wrapping up in a jacket and beginning the trek to Wal Mart.
Some guy screams at us on the way to walmart from his car as he drives by, which in and of itself wouldnt have been odd except that we were in pday (normal) clothes.
We walk to email at the family history center and our zone leaders wave as they drive by in their 2010 Subaru. grrrrr.
and now i am here! but all in all, not to bad a day so far to be honest. smith and i have a lot of fun no matter what we are doing. which makes things entertaining. for the work, we have another baptism this saturday, then one next friday, then 2 more 2 weeks after that. once again, baptisms dont equal amount of work put in (altho in all modesty i believe we have put in great work) but they are good encouragement to keep it up. we also picked up a couple new investgators this week. yups. smith is definately my favourite comp, and i think that we are gonn serve together till he goes home (he has only got this one and next left) altho after that i only have 2 left and their are still others who i want to have a chance to serve with.
random factoid: i think that my favourite commandment to teach on the mission is Tithing. tiss awesome. kinda like buying blessings. lol, jk. but it really is my favourite commandment to teach. my fav overall would probably be repentance or faith tho.
anyways, hope you have a wonderful week, and i thank you again for being awesome. and helping me in the infinite ways that you do!
love, jake