Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Another Interview

Her name is really Rochelle.
Our interview was cut short 'cause someone needed my assistance.
Someday I will finish the interview.
It will be serious.

Michelle at 15

She likes white rice, vienna sausage, babies, crispy bacon, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, babies, cheese pizza (thin crust), root beer, sprinkles, pearler beads, babies, chocolate cake, ice cream, Nerds candy, wearing slippers to school, babies, rolling and unrolling skeins of yarn, staying up late on Friday nights, her sister Susan, swimming, dogs, cats, babies, her iPad, rolling adding machine paper, Sonic the hedgehog, Amy Rose the hedgehog, Hilton pens, drawing Paninis (cartoon character), Aunty Sherry and Aunty Mina, sitting in the front seat of the car, taking a bath, going to Koa House on Saturdays, walking Elvis, babies, Katy Perry, Rachel on Glee, Disneyland, flashlights and lasers, fireworks!, and...babies!

She does not like fruit, vegetables, meat, wearing clothes (pants) with the waistband hitting her waist, loud sounds, scary movies, massaging her father's feet, running more than 1 lap around the house, getting bossed around.

She is good at spelling, reading, being bossy, sleeping, entertaining herself, using the computer, trying to figure out my iTunes password so she can order stuff, helping younger children, swimming and SMILING!

She recently earned $20 from her Dad for being able to swim across the pool - he thought she couldn't do it - haha!

What she wants to do in the future - call Susan on the cell phone, go to Disneyland, go to the beach, eat vienna sausage and rice TONIGHT!

15 Years Old

My wish is that every family in the world be blessed with a
child as wonderful as
this one.
Happy Birthday to our Michelle!