Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mele Kalikimaka

To friends and family far and near -

We wish you a wonderful Holiday Season! May the Lord continue to bless you and may you continue to look to Him and Live!

Aloha - The Wrights

Gene's Getting Old

At 57 he is looking fine...although he has had a few medical issues (I tell him old man illnesses) - he is still a healthy specimen who continues to have great taste in women.

He has been busy writing (rewriting) book #2 and continues to be an avid reader.

He has had a work issue that has challenged him but I believe things are on the path of resolution (can I be any more vague?)

Today he was on the roof trying find a leak, then tore out the bathroom wall repairing a leak yet he'll find time for our weekly Saturday date to Sam's Club.

I think this year has certainly expanded his "Fatherhood" experiences as we have learned to parent (in a different way) almost adult children. And to prove it the gray hairs are finally starting to crop into those blond waves.

Can you see the gray?

He hasn't run a half marathon this year - but hes been busy running everywhere - always serving others. He's a great example to the rest of us.

Ginny = Gorgeous After All These Years

2008 did not disappoint! It brought many opportunities to learn, serve and grow. I continue to enjoy working for 2 great companies - Hawaii Sales Representatives and the American Council of Engineering Companies.

I must confess to a new addiction - to Grey's Anatomy!!!!!

I have enjoyed seeing the fam grow and have really enjoyed the time that Gene has taken to travel with me. He continually shows me that I am important and is always kind to me - still opens my car door after all these years!

I have also found joy in seeing the happiness in others - especially in Brandi as she has worked productively in her chosen field, dedicated herself to her doctoral studies and found her self in what seems to be a wonderful relationship.

Ditto for Steve - he got to go to Lithuania etc. this past year to do paid research and is quickly approaching the completion of his doctorate. He too seems to have found a special someone and I am happy for him.

Somedays the house is still a mess and the laundry has piled up but as I look back I realize that I did accomplish a lot this year --- I made Executive Platinum again...which means 2009 HERE I COME!

And through all the ups and downs of 2008 I remain pretty and smart.

Left - picture of me before I quit dying my hair.
Right - picture of me w/natural hair color

Hooray for Hannah in 2008!

Now in her 3rd grade at Heeia Elementary Hannah has learned to read! She can read simple books with CVC words. We are very proud of her.

She is still very active and into everything. One of our friends gave her a sweater that says "Requires Constant Supervision" on the back - that fits Hannah to a tee!

She still loves music and can sing anything. Her favorite songs are "Unwritten" - Natasha Bedingfield and "How to Save a Life" by the Fray. Easy to tell she has teenage siblings.

Her baptism was surely the highlight of her year and we were humbled by the many friends and relatives that attended her baptism service.

We are still working with medical experts on a number of issues with Hannah and hope that with their assistance she will be able to grow to be a happy, responsible person.

Michelle - The Miracle

Well Miss Michelle enjoys being 11. She thinks she is a big kid and likes to boss Hannah around. We gotta laugh when we hear her saying "What did you say to me Hannah? You don't give me attitude!"

She is enjoying 5th grade. Her best friend is a boy named Renny. She said he is her boyfriend. I told her the prophet said no boyfriends cause she is too young so now she says he's just her friend.

She is still always happy! What a joy to be around someone who is always in a good mood.

We are trying to get her to cut back on the rice - but she told me that rice is a grain and grains are healthy!

She loves her ipod nano that Aunty Leo gave her last Christmas.

Her likes include - Ben 10 Alien Force, popcorn, rice, beans (except green and lima), vienna sausage, dogs and, of course - babies.

her dislikes - all vegetables, fruits (except bananas), loud noises.

Gabe's Year - The Musical

Well Gabe's year can be summed up in one word - performing!

In February he took center stage as Sky Masterson in this year's CPAC production of Guys and Dolls Jr. He did a great job! he also did a great job of hiding the fact that he was going to be kissing a girl in the play! I didn't find out until I witnessed the deed on opening night! I was not pleased. But again, he turned in a great performance - singing, dancing and acting! he's good!
This past summer he again participated in Paliku Academy's summer program - playing the role of the villain Shan Yu in Mulan Jr. This was his first time playing a baddie - he did well! he enjoys the Paliku program and I think it is a bargain. Six weeks - 5 hours a day for only $350!!!

This fall he played Rev. Sykes in To Kill a Mockingbird. This was his first nonmusical. It was a good performance although the show as a whole was not well attended. Castle High is noted for its musicals and that's what usually brings in the crowds.

In November he was a featured soloist in the Kaneohe Stake Youth Musical Fireside. I didn't get to attend but Dad said he was great!

In December he was in the Castle Dance Concert - Xmas Nightmare - he was in 3 numbers in this totally bizarre dance recital. I still can't get over it - part gothic - part hip hop - very nightmarish and loud!!!!

He also started doing some fundraising for a trip to Scotland next summer. His theater group has been invited to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! If his grades are decent (and we raise the remaining $4,000) his Dad says he can go!

Probably the most memorable of his performances from my perspective occurred on December 13 when he performed at the Ward Christmas Party. He played the piano and sang an original song called Family Christmas. It was beautiful! Thanks again Lori!

Gabe started high school this year at Castle and is enjoying himself - probably should hit the books a bit more...

One of the important lessons he learned this year is that text messages cost $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Jacob's Big Year

The focus of the first 5 months of 2008 was on getting Jacob graduated. And HE DID IT! Here's the picture to prove it.

Doesn't he look happy?

Jacob went to Project GRAD where I hear the hypnotist got him to do a mean Britney Speers imitation. We had a great graduation party for Jacob at Bellows on June 28. It was a combo with his good friend Kastle. We had a about 150 people at a great outdoor dinner.

Jacob worked (until last week) at Cinnabon at the Windward Mall. He would regularly bring home boxes of cinnamon rolls (which we really don't eat.)

He also attended Windward Community College where he learned that he is not paricularly suited for early morning classes.

He is now "cruising" for the next 2 weeks before he starts earnestly seeking other employment (we hope).

He is preparing to serve a mission.

He is most busy with video games, driving to Wahiawa to hang out with friends, playing video games and did I mention playing video games?

He plays the piano on occasion - he's good! Thanks Lori!

While graduation from high school was a great accomplishment I think his greatest this year was getting his Duty to God award.

Susan's Sensational Year

She's almost 21 and this year has certainly been one of growing and opportunities for Susan. She finished her 2nd full year at BYU Idaho and opted to come home for the fall semester (and will probably stay home for good). She is happy she no longer has to ponder the "why" of daylight savings time.

She learned a lot being away from home. Among the things she learned in college:

Since she's been home she's learned alot too - like how expensive speeding tickets are.

Now that she is home she has been working as a Skills Trainer at Waimalu Elementary working with a girls with Down's Syndrome and Autism. She has learned to sign! Being a Skills Trainer can be challenging but from all reports she is doing great! I am proud of her.

She wants to continue working towards a degree in Graphic Design. She is looking into program here in Hawaii.

She is a great big sister, a talented young lady and a kind daughter. She's still loves the beach, watching surfers and getting a tan.

A Year's Worth of Travel

Those of you who know us know that we are avid travelers. We plan ahead or go spur of the moment - it doesn't matter. Have plane ticket - will travel. And when our favorite airline - American - has some great sales - we're off!!

So where did we go in 2008? Well let's see...

February Fun
Gene and Ginny joined 10 other friends on a wonderful 10 day adventure to Ireland! We all agreed - this was our best trip. The weather was beautiful - only needed a light coat on 2 days! We went from Dublin to south Ireland (Kenmare) to west (Dingle) to North (Giant's Causeway). We stayed in a wonderful place - 7 bedrooms/7bath - it cost us $15 per person per day. We also had a wonderful cook named Daphne - whom we had to pay $6 per day per person. Do you get the picture? This was a cheap trip! We went with Rick and Madeline (Gibo) Crump, Kookie Laumatia, Nadine and Willy Frost, Elijah and Jaymie Frost, Cynthia Chong, Cecilia Baber and Sedanne Hong (the last 3 are what's known as "UnKims"). This was really a great group. We enjoyed Sedanne's stories and Kookie's great activities. The bus rides were fun with singing games, jokes-of-the-day and other activities. We had some wonderful devotionals and lots of night time activities that allowed us to share testimony and talents. We learned Irish dancing (think Lord of the Dance!) as well as the macarena.

I highly recommend Ireland to everyone. It is as green as the pictures, the people are friendly like local folks. We spent our first night in Ireland at a pub where we had a storyteller named Johnny Daly tell us the tales, legends and history of Ireland. A great way to start a trip!

Gene and I also got to have dinner with Lori Brady's sister Cindy and her husband Bruce (I think). They live outside of Dublin. They are just as nice as Dan and Lori but Bruce is taller than Dan.

March's March
Gene and I went on one short but great trip - a one-dayer to Maui with Willy and Nadine Frost to see our friend Sedanne Hong get married. Sedanne went to Ireland with us. He is the Uncle of our friend Cynthia Chong. Sedanne and his bride Lyn got married at the old LDS church near Kula. I believe it is the oldest church in Hawaii. We also went to the Lavender Farm and up to Haleakala so Gene could make arrangements for his Scout trip this summer. We then came back down the mountain for Sedanne and Lyn's reception and then caught the last flight home. Oh - I forgot - we had a wonderful lunch at my cousin Michelle's house in Makawao. And another great thing about this trip - Nadine gave me a great purse!!!!!!

April Away
I went on a quick mileage run with Nadine and Kookie Laumatia to Disneyworld. We were supposed to be there 2 days but had flight delays so ended up being there only one day. Nadine and I went to Epcot and rode Soaring I think 3 times - the BEST ride of all. Another bonus is AA gave me an extra 4,000 miles cause of the flight delay! That's why I love AA!!!

Washington D.C.
April 26-30 I went on my semi-annual trek to D.C. for my meetings with the American Council of Engineering Companies. The weather was great and the engineers are so good to me - we had some great dinners!

May Madness
May 1-2 I went from D.C. to Utah for Women's Conference. Met up with Nadine, Kookie, Rochelle Featheran and Cynthia Chong. This time we stayed at Hampton Inn at Thanksgiving Point - it was great cause close to Provo and the free breakfast was good. Women's Conference was fantastic. THE PROPHET CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He waved at me!!! (I am sure he was waving at me because I was in the very top row and he waved in that direction).

We always sit at the very top row under the clock. Its a great place cause you can lean back (somewhat) and you can stretch out and you can fall asleep. This time we met some ladies who say they always sit in that area too. I think they were from Arizona or California. One of them was really rocking out at the night time concert! We thoroughly enjoyed the night time concert! Michael McClean was awesome!

We then went up to SLC and stayed at Embassy Suites a couple of nights - saw LeAnn and got my haircut.

We got to see Susan - she came down from Idaho - so that of course was the BEST thing about this trip.

May 5-8 I went to Colorado Springs for the annual Building FASD State Systems Meetings sponsored by SAMHSA. The other Hawaii attendee was Catherine Sorenson who is the FASD state coordinator and has been working hard to develop the system of care for people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. It was good to see old friends at the meetings and also to hear what advances have been made in research.

June Journeys
We flew to Utah at the last minute to attend the funeral of LeAnn's Dad. While there Gene's brother Leon was in a very serious car accident so we got to see him too.

June 1-7 Gabe went to Utah (alone!) to attend EFY - his first year! He loved it! he was at U of U. he spent a couple of days with Bomans before going to EFY. he made great friends - and they've all promised to go back next year together (I think I've heard this before...)

June 9-12 Gene and Jacob went to Maui for Scouts. They went to Haleakala and Hana and everywhere in between. This was Jacob's last year to go - I heard he was like a gazelle climbing the mountain! They both had a good time. Gabe had acting things going on so elected not to go.

June 23 - July 5 We went on our annual camp - this time a "friends" camp as opposed to a Ward Camp - at Bellows. All the regulars were there - Frost, Featherans, Adams, Hanohano, etc. And this year the Laumatias joined us. That was great because from Kookie I learned that I should not do any work at camp - that's what the kids are there for! I could get used to that except (and I can't believe I am about to say this) - I think I'm getting too old for camping.

October Outings
We cancelled our FOG trip to Portugal and Morocco due to costs.

October 17-21 Gene and I went to Montreal for ACEC mtg. My first time in Canada. The leaves were changing so it was gorgeous. We had some great meals - if you're ever in Montreal head to DaVinci's! We went on a city tour which was interesting and learned that Montreal was settled by French, British, Scottish and Irish. Gene got some time to write - which he enjoys.

Oct. 27-30 I made a trip to Maui on the Superferry! It was terrific! The journey was smooth, the ship is immaculate and the ride was relaxing! I went over for a tradeshow. Went out to dinenr the last night at Nick's Fishmarket in Wailea so I could see my cousin Trey who is the GM. He is so terrific and so generous and kind. It was great seeing him and knowing he is doing well and is happy.

November Nomad
Nov. 12-15 Gene and I went to D.C. for ACEC Orientation Meeting. Short and sweet trip. So nice to be able to travel together. This time Gene learned about the metro and went all over the city.

Nov. 20-24 I journeyed to Louisville to visit my sweet step mom and my pretty sister Leilani. Nadine came with and we had a great time. Of course we crocheted - Sharon taught Nadine - and I finished a crocheted purse! We ate lots of good food and came home with some great recipes for Kentucky Pie and Pumpkin Chess Pie!

Nov. 27 - Dec. 3 Gene and Susan did a father-daughter road trip to California! They went from LA to Mexicali to Laguna to Magic Mountain to Camarillo to Solvang to Monterrey to San Francisco. They enjoyed themselves, ate some good food and got to BOND. Unfortunately, Susan could not get her Dad to take her to any hot night spots... But what a great opportunity they had to be together. Susan really enjoyed Magic Mountain - Gene said the roller coasters have lost their appeal... (He's a Senior citizen).

December Distances
I had 2 trips to Austin scheduled - both which I ended up cancelling. Gene had a trip to Grand Cayman's but what's in store before Dec. 31?

Dec. 28-31 Gene is going to D.C. solo to complete his 50,000 mile Platinum requirement. Congratulations dude!

Dec. 31 Ginny leaves for Vegas for Cousin Manu Mafi's wedding in the Vegas Temple. I'll be staying with cousin Stephanie.

I think that was it for 2008. Wonder where 2009 will find us? (Hint - in Feb. Belgium, Holland and Germany - Karnival!)