Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jacob's Jottings

So he wrote today -

"i really like the word 'twas'. i think it is one of my favourites actually.

we went to a D.I. today and there was a shirt that said 'Speacial Olympics' on it, and the back said 'secuirity'. it reminded me of our own 'special olympians' =]

we had a baptism last saturday. twas awesome. and transfers are tomorrow, so i will be able to email again!

thanks for the stuff, and the love.

remember, "The wise mouse befriends the cat" (i made that quote up, quite profound if i do say so myself)

love ya, Jacob aka, Methalos of the Horde."

Dinner w/o a Movie

Last night we went out to dinner with the #1 movie go-er Leo. We had a day early dinner celebration with this great lady. We met Moleen and Rookie at Tsukiji's in Ala Moana.

I knew Leo would love the place - all you can eat crab legs!

Even though we live in the same house we don't get to see her very often and hardly ever get to go out and eat with her.

She is the most kind and generous person you could know. My kids adore her and she adores them. She is always there to help, encourage and cheer them on in whatever they are doing.

She got a card yesterday from her #1 fan, Jacob. he told her how much he loved and appreciated all she did for him - read to him every night when he was small, let him sleep with her when he was scared at night...their relationship has always been so special.

Today is her birthday - how old is she you ask? And here's hoping its a terrific one! She is 10 years older than me - so that makes her 32.

I couldn't ask for a better friend or "sister". I love her.