Saturday, March 19, 2011


I am amazed sometimes at my son Gabe. For example,
  • He spent 10 hours yesterday at dance rehearsal (and they rehearse solid!!!!) -
  • Came home about 10:30,
  • Went to bed
  • And now its 5:45 a.m. - he woke up a half hour ago to get dressed.
  • He's on his way to a t.v. station for a filming (an interview and preview for Brigadoon) - that's at 7:00 - 8:00,
  • Then at 9:00 he has to be at Jimmy Buffet's to perform on the Perry & Price Show,
  • Then he has to be back in Kaneohe by noon because he's in a Flashmob at the mall at 1:00
  • Then it's back to Brigadoon rehearsal by 2:00 - probably until 6:00 tonight.
Don't know how he does it.

And I guess I am okay now with him having his license - otherwise I'd have to do all that driving (that alone would do me in).

Aahh to be young again.