Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Windows on Russia

So my other obsession in Moscow was windows... and here are some of them...fascinating, don't you think? (I know, I'm weird)

Once upon a time in a land far, far away...

Moscow was a most fascinating place. I'll post different aspects of the trip over the next few days.

For some reason I was fascinated by patterns - I saw patterns everywhere...at cemeteries, palaces, along streets - whether I looked up or down - patterns.

Life in Moscow seemed to occur in patterns too. People descended and ascended into the amazing Moscow metro in lines remniscent of ants encroaching on food left overnight on the counter. They leaned forward and backward standing on long long escalators which took them into or out of the bowels of the stations. They sat next to one another on the metro car with nary a space between each body. They each got up in the same fashion - exactly one stop before their intended station and made their way to the metro car door where they stood in line waiting for the door to open for the brief 10 second stop...at which time they did what all Moscovites do...kept moving.