Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I have never met a person who is more ALIVE than my Hannah. She is movement, action and adventure jam-packed in a slender athletic body that never seems to stop. You know when she enters a room and when she leaves. You also know every room she's been in by the way it looks when she has left. She's a whirlwind.

She loves to pretend read (although we are immensely proud of the fact she has actually learned to read), LOVES to sing (Sunday riding home from church it was "you cut me open and I keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding...), loves baby dolls (and real babies), loves to swim, and loves hugs and praise.

She is the most forgiving person I have ever known and is always full of hope (her favorite question - "Is tomorrow another day?")

Her constant chatter (mostly to herself) keeps us in stitches.

To Susan, Aunty & Jacob she is "Kawai".

To Dad and Michelle she is "Hannah"

To me she is "hoi-hoi" (which all started cause she calls me "moi-moi')

No matter what you call her though - she is FULL OF LIFE!