Saturday, July 4, 2009

The First Week

Well it has been more than 1 week since we became a pair of mid-to-late 50's parents with seven children ranging in age from 11 months - 22 1/2 years old. What we have learned (or re-learned) thus far:

  1. Some things have changed - there's Similac, Similac with iron, Similac Advanced, Similac R.S., Similac Isomil Advanced etc. etc. etc. and they all cost about $22.00 per can! (calculate x 2 cans per week)
  2. Some things have not changed - cornstarch is still as good as baby powder.
  3. An 11 month old, a 35 month old and an 8 year old cannot fit the same size diaper - no matter how you alter the thing. (Believe me I've tried)
  4. It is totally unrealistic to expect Hannah to NOT play with, touch, monopolize or break the new kids' toys.
  5. Job, hobbies, sleep take a back seat to everything these days.
  6. The best way for a 55 year old to get down off the hill in the backyard in one piece (while holding on to a child) is on one's ample butt (the 55 year old's - not the child's).
  7. "Hi Mom!" are nice words.
  8. "I sorry" are too.
  9. "Mom - can you download another episode on my ipod?" are bad words.
But the best thing we've re-learned (and continue to re-learn daily) is that Heavenly Father is there to strengthen, uplift and cheer always, always, always.

Its all good.