Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Jacob Wrote

MOTHER!!!!! i love you.
anyways, let me tell you about my week and how peculiar it has been:
Monday: After extreme mouth pain, went to the dentist. He pulled one of my wisdom teeth and said call him if it still hurt and sent me on my way with a prescription for vicodin, saying i should probably stay in and rest for the next 2-3 days.
Gave a lesson at the interview meeting (2 districts attend at a time to be interviewed with the pres.) with half of my mouth numb as it was 30 mins after my 'surgery.'
Tuesday: Pday, the usual missionary sabbath.
Wednesday: AAHHH!!! still in pain today. 3 cheers for vicodin tho! allowed me to function.
Thursday: It got warmer, like 45 today! also got a call from pres about a surprise meeting for all missionaries in the ibm. the last time this happened Hollond came to talk....
Friday: Okay, this is rediculous. i am in pain unless i take a couple vicodin every 3 hours or so. went to the dentist. he gave me a root canal. he really should not have described the process to me before doing it tho. reccomended i stay in and rest for 2-3 days. we then walked 7 miles to the mission office so that the mission pres could interview an investigator for baptism.
Saturday: IDK what happened, i slept in till 11. had to do the usual paperwork till about 3, then attended a lot of meetings which were really boring. then i slept through the stake con priesthood meeting.
Sun: MORE STAKE CON! but the root canal did just what i needed =]
thanks again for everything!
anyways, that was pretty much my week. hmmm........i think there is something else i was gonna say but i cant recall at the moment so if i remember i will tell ya laters.
love, jake

Elegant Evening

Had my annual engineering excellence banquet on Sunday night. A formal affair, we had visiting dignitaries from our national organization (24 of them) attending.

Beautiful setting at Koolau Golf Club. Fancy set up and very nice menu. Jazz musicians in the background. Fantastic silent auction display that kept everyone (including me) in a good mood.

Putting together such an event takes about 5 months of coordination and hard work on the part of many people. I enjoy heading the event each year though.

However, this year was very memorable. At the end of the evening, as we were packing up...

I fell - backwards - flat onto my back!

So now my back's a mess again...

But it was an elegant evening.