Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What was supposed to happen

I was supposed to be in Washington D.C. today for one of my contracts...but the Lord knew I was needed here and that there were opportunities for me to serve and learn that were greater than those in D.C.

So far - so good. I have been able to -
  • Provide a place to sleep for one of Gabe's friends whose family is going through hard times
  • Be here when Gene went to emergency room yesterday and now help him convalesce
  • Celebrate Gabe getting a scholarship at 24/VII DanceForce (a top notch dance studio that has sent many alumni to DWTS, as back up dancers to lots of big names - Janet Jackson, Brittney Spears etc.) - and he didn't even apply for the scholarship - they asked him
  • Spend some nice 1:1 time with Hannah yesterday before Gene called from the hospital
  • Decide what to do about SHRED - like get our insurance to pay or make the other guy's to do so
  • Attend 2 FASD trainings
  • Go to Hannah's IEP meeting on Thursday

If I'd been in D.C. I would have been worried all the time about all these happenings at home. But last week, for a number of reasons (none named above) - I cancelled the trip. So grateful for understanding employer!

Truly, Heavenly Father knows what's best and as I follow His promptings, I continue to be most blessed.

And if that isn't enough, today I'll get my Jacob email :-)

Life is GOOD!