Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hi Hannah and Michelle

Well girls I am now in Arizona. Yesterday we drove 6 hours from San Diego. We stopped at McDonald's for dinner.

Today I am staying with a friend for the day and washing clothes then tonight we will leave at 7:00 p.m. to drive to El Paso, Texas.

Jenna and Maylani sit in the back seat of the car in their carseats. Their mom and I take turns driving the car. The car is packed with Jenna and Maylani's suitcases. It is really quishy in the backseat for the two girls.

Last ngiht Maylani was tired of sitting in her carseat. She started crying. I remembereed that I had a glow-in-the-dark bracelt in my bag. I gave it to her and she loved it. She was pretty good the rest of the way.

I will try to take a picture and post it tomorrow.

I love you both. Thanks for the email Hannah! I loved reading it! I knew you like the dolls you got for Christmas. I remember youw ere so excited when you opened them.

Be good girls. be obedient and know that I love you very much.

Love Mom.