Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Excerpts from Email from Elder Wright (MY SON!)

Heya mama, i forgot my old email so i made a new one. how are things at home?

Everything is pretty fun here at the moment. pretty hard too tho. Lots of work to be done in the world i guess.

We had a lot of really good speakers and teachers, which really helped make things run smoother and made everything easier to learn.

We went to the temple again this morning which was nice. now we got back and i am doing laundry while typing this to you. thanks again for the package, it was awesome. mail is a highlight of the day for everyone here.

if you responded to my last email, can you copy it to this one or remind me what it is? as i said, i forgot the login name.

You guys should invite the soliais/laumatias and sams family for dinner sometime so everyone can talk about how wonderful i am. i have fun doing that, so of course everyone else will!

i got sick for a day, then got better really fast. so i am good to go again. then my compy got sick, so its like i had 2 sick days in a week =P

sometimes we can be a bit rambunktious (i know that i butchered that word) altho we were told to put "childish things behind us."

We went to the wrong meeting last night by mistake. the one we went to ended up being one for good hygeine to elders going to third world countrys. so we were getting lectured on water and stuff liek that LOL.

how is susan doing nowadays? tell her i say, "hi."

and how is aunty leo? i wrote her a letter.

hopefully everything is floating on okay back at home then.

so much to do, so little time here. we really are on the lords time, so every moment is scheduled here. time goes by both fast and slow here, if that makes any sense. we go to boise next week.

i wrote to michael ann also. she will join the church eventually.

i had a dream i was a jedi the other night and remembered it, and lots of people i knew were in it by the way. may the force be with you.

im not to stressed over the spelling/grammar errors here, so just ignore them ;]

hopefully gabe hasnt killed anyone yet, but now at least we have some "crowd control" for those chickens lol

well, love you guys. c ya laters!

love, Jake (aka elder wright)

p.s. we all float on alright.

p.p.s. there is an elder from canada whos sings opra in the shower, occasionly "les mis'erables"

Serious Illness - Know the Cure?

Well, we've got it - WANDERLUST.

Our travels (Gene's and mine) have taken us to Canada, England (4 times?), Scotland (3), Wales, Ireland, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Italy (2 times), Switzerland, France (2 times), Belgium, Netherlands, Germany (maybe 5 times - lost count), Luxembourg, Ireland (2times) and to almost every sector of the U.S. But still we've got the illness.

In 2010 our travel group (FOG) is planning to go to Oberammergau in Germany. That'll be in Sept 2010. But that won't cure the illness - that's too far away!

What to do? What's the cure?

Only one thing - to quote Willie Nelson "...on the road again!"

To get us on the road to recovery we MUST plan 2 short getaways (this does NOT count my business trips - cause Gene will have to stay home and watch the keiki while I'm on those!). We are saving our pennies - cause you all know we travel on the cheap, cheap, cheap.

To avoid complete debilitation we MUST go this fall/early winter. The cure will only last about 4 months so we MUST have our second dose around late winter/early spring 2010 (like maybe February).

But where should we go? Your thoughts, dear reader? (Do NOT suggest Utah)

Not more than 4 days on the ground plus 2 traveling should make us GOOD AS NEW. (We have babysitter complexities as you all know!)

So far the contenders are:

1) Church History areas (Palmyra (NY), Kirtland (OH), Nauvoo (IL) etc.)
2) France (only 1 day in Paris though - the rest in the country)
3) Krakow (Gene's been wanting to go there forever)
4) Croatia (you can rent a lighthouse to stay in just off Croatia!)
5) England (my relatives in the Lake District make the whole country so special!)
6) Ireland! (ah! heavenly!)

Anyone want to GET HEALTHY with us?