Monday, July 25, 2011


Gene - not me. He got a shot at the Dr. today and antibiotics. Hope he gets to feeling better soon. I leave tomorrow night for meetings in L.A. - timings not great...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Trauma Drama

Michelle's EEG - she was so nervous - didn't like the monitor sound, didn't like the hospital bed going up and down, didn't like the blood pressure cuff, didn't like the pillow, didn't like the finger monitor, didn't like the curtain, didn't like the hospital bracelet, DID NOT LIKE THE I.V. at all!!

Of course she slept thru the actual EEG and LIKED the popsicle she got in the recovery room. We knew she was okay when she asked for "10 piece McNuggets, large fries and a medium Sprite from McDonalds".

Won't know results until the dr. calls but GLAD that procedure is over!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Committed & Admitted

Wonderful having Jacob home - at least for a bit...

By that I mean he is busy catching up with old friends - not the least of whom is Sam, his sweet girlfriend.

Yesterday they went to the zoo, Ala Moana, 2 movies - Harry Potter 7 and Captain America, and hung out a bit here and then with her parents.

Today I think he's sleeping - he says he's still on Idaho time.

Getting ready to take Michelle to the hospital for her sedated EEG. The I.V. part will be the trauma. She's nervous.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What a Day

A wonderful one - could hardly focus on cleaning and prepping - was so excited about Jacob coming home.

His plane was about 20 minutes early - but we were all there waiting with a big welcome home sign and tons of lei! More than at graduation.

Came home and Azeema did a beautiful job of decorating using all the lei.

About 35 people came over for dinner and to welcome Jacob home. Featherans, Soliais, Dyches, Dylan, George, Susan, Lakona, Michael Ann, Lily, Kawehi, Skyla, Devin, Joelyn, Manu & Shaina.

Jacob had a wonderful time!

Photos to follow.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Jacob at Salt Lake City airport with our good friend Ricky Soliai who works for Delta there at SLC.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Can't come fast enough.

30 hours from now

He'll be HOME!

It has been such a wonderful blessing having Jacob on his mission. We have seen so much growth in him through his emails and letters over the past 2 years.

Going on this mission has/will change his life forever.

It is not an easy task to set off, at the prime of your life - set aside all ambition, friends, education, entertainment, and life to dedicate 24 months to the Lord and his work. To do so voluntarily, with an eager heart - that is such an amazing thing!

But the blessings are tremendous and eternal. Jacob has been able to develop greater discipline, perseverance, compassion, dedication, selflessness, humility, determination, and reliance on the Lord. These are traits that will make him a wonderful husband, father, student, worker, Church member, neighbor and man.

So proud and so humbled to be the mother of a missionary.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Busy Week to Come

Sunday - Church (I teach a lesson) and Neighborhood Watch meeting
Monday - Work, work, work
Tuesday - More of the same
Wednesday - Jacob comes home then welcome home party for him with about 40 people (what should I cook???)
Thursday - Work meeting early then Michelle & Hannah to neurologist
Friday - Michelle's sedated EEG

Friday, July 15, 2011

Coming Home!

5 More Days!!!

We've invited some folks over for dinner -
Sam and her family
Manu & Sipi
Skyla & Devin
Kawehi & Michael Ann
Steve & Azeema
Susan & George

He won't see the Stake President for his release until 10:00 p.m. - should make for an interesting evening.

Can't wait!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Count Down Continues

1 week til Jacob comes home


2 weeks and 1 day til Les Mis with Ruth Ann at Ahmanson Theater in Los Angeles.

Can it get any better???????

Monday, July 11, 2011

Jacob's New Car

Or rather, Gene's car that he will let Jacob drive.
What can I say? We got a thing for 1990-1991 Toyotas.
This is our 4th.
Its in excellent condition, 81,000 miles and was $1,400.

Gabe wants to trade the one he drives for this one.
Uh - I don't think so.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

He's In!

Paliku Theater
Windward Community College
Sept. 9 - Oct. 9, 2011
Gabe Wright - as Slave Master/Lead Male Ballet Dancer/Ensemble

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I Wonder What the Neighbors are Thinking?

Gabe - outside washing his car - with the radio on - singing - not rock music, not rap, not hip hop - he's singing - show tunes at the top of his lungs.

A Reminder

15 more days!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Barbecued ribs and chicken
Turkey Burgers
Shrimp Kabobs
Corn on the cob
Olives Pickles
Strawberries and cream on shortbread

Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Some Days


The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On

and crashed into We All Got Problems, before coming to a complete stop at

Get Over It. Suck it up cupcake! Life doesn't revolve around you!

Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to


This is Dr. Sniffle reporting LIVE from Quitchur Gripin'...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Served for a Change

What a WONDERFUL surprise I had last night!

George (Susan's boyfriend) made dinner for me! Great Mexican food (using his secret family recipes).

And while George was cooking Susan cleaned - she even cleaned my fridge.

And while George cooked I took a nap!

What a wonderful evening and what wonderful people they both are.