Saturday, August 27, 2011

Spoke too Fast

Hannah's seizures - back again. :(

Thursday, August 25, 2011


“When we have sampled much and have wandered far and have seen how fleeting and sometimes superficial a lot of the world is, our gratitudegrows for the privilege of being part of something we can count on—home and family and the loyalty of loved ones. We come to know what it means to be bound together by duty, by respect, by belonging. We learn that nothing can fully take the place of the blessed relationship of family life." - President Thomas S. Monson

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What Will Happen?

A dear friend of ours died today. She had been sick for quite a while. She had asked Gene to conduct her funeral. Her family is going to the mortuary tomorrow to make the arrangements.

If they arrange for the funeral between September 1-11 then he has decided he will not go to China on his Great Wall Hiking Trek.

I am so proud of him for making that decision. Like he said - the Great Wall is not going anywhere...

And maybe things will work out...

But if they don't he is perfectly fine keeping his word to his dear friend.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Magic Formula

I think we might have found it!

After 1 1/2 years of medication cocktails I think Hannah's neurologist has finally hit gold. He adjusted the dosages on Wednesday and...


Keeping our fingers crossed on this one.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Growing Up

Michelle attended her first church dance on Friday night. Fortunately, Gabe attended too (wearing his fake glasses cause he says girls like nerds)
She was so excited - she wore a new black skirt, sandals she borrowed from Leo and she even wore a little bit of lipstick.

She did not dance - she said she wouldn't before she left - but she LOVED the refreshments (chips and m&m's) and was happy they played the song Thriller. She wanted to hear her favorite song Firework but they didn't play it.

All in all a great night for this young lady.

Monday, August 8, 2011

She Said

I told Michelle that Hannah had to sit by me because Hannah has seizures and might need help.

Michelle said, “What kind does she have? Epileptic or tonic-clonic? I have absence seizures - when my eyes go back and forth really fast and I can’t talk. That’s me having a absence seizure.”

She learned this watching youtube on her Ipad.

And they said she’d never walk or talk…

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Branching Out

I started a very different blog.

I'll continue this one but the new one is in a different vein.

Creative outlet of sorts...

Come pay me a visit at