Thursday, December 29, 2011

Not a Kid

Michelle had a cold last week and Gene gave her some cold medicine. I saw the bottle on the counter - it was Children's Dimetapp.

She's almost 15 years old and weighs about 115 pounds.

I told him try the adult stuff next time.

For some reason he still thinks of her as a baby :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

For My Children

Click on the picture for better reading view.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with George and Susan coming over - Jacob had to work - we had leftovers from Thursday.

Susan and George came back early Sunday and we opened presents and had brunch (Steve and Azeema and Brandi joined us) then went to church. Gabe sang in the choir and I gave a talk.

Came home and just relaxed. Most enjoyable, stress free and peaceful Christmas in recent memory.

Monday was a work holiday so Gene was home - both boys went to work. We had a nice day - I didn't worry about the mess from all the girls' new toys and stuff. Just let them enjoy themselves.

Hannah has a cold so she stayed home from school today and we put all the new toys away, got rid of the boxes and threw out old stuff. Very productive day!

Unfortunately, she had a big seizure tonight, hit her head on the dining room table and started bleeding bad. So ended up rushing her to emergency where they put 3 staples in her head and sent us home. She's such a trooper!

She'll have to stay home tomorrow and has to see the Dr. on Thursday. Wish we could get these seizures to stop. They are much more intense now then they have ever been before. I wish we could get another neurologist...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Almost Ready

Just gotta wrap a few.

Susan and George coming for dinner. Menu is leftovers from Thursday plus laulau that Michelle made at school and brought home yesterday.

Maybe going to see some lights then getting things ready for tomorrow morning.

I think all will be happy.

Jacob's car is leaking - the trunk part. He's such a nice person I decided we should get him a new car.

Won't he be surprised in the morning!

Sale at Long's - Hot Wheels 99 cents.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Celebration

Had a party last night. Prepared almost nonstop for 2 days. Forgot to take pictures.

Ahi Tower
Chips, Crackers & Dips
Chili Garlic Shrimp
Hamburger and Turkey Burger Sliders
Hawaiian Nachos
Caprese Salad on a Stick
Spinach Bread Bowls
BBQ Chicken Wings
Chicken Salad Pitas
Red Velvet Whoopie Pies
Chocolate Tarts
Mini Cherry Pies
Cornbread Muffins

I enjoyed the evening. The clean up was easy and Gabe's wonderful friends - Jacob H., London and Harm - volunteered to clean up.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

48 Hours

In that amount of time I flew to Louisville (total 10.5 hours in the air each way plus 6 hours in airports), attended my sister's wedding, and got back home! Whew...such a wonderful day yesterday. Love my sister. And Ryan, my new brother-in-law, is a great guy.

Friday, December 16, 2011


My son Gabe (age 17) went to his first day of training for his very first job - at a movie theater.

After his first 7 hour shift he has decided 3 things:

1) He's the BEST at making popcorn.
2) He LOVES working there.
3) He wants to be the MANAGER.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


In Kentucky. My sister. 3 more days! Yay!

Monday, December 5, 2011

20 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. I detest store/bakery bought pies and pie crusts. I only like homemade (mostly by me).
2. I did not attend Kindergarten, 1st or 3rd grades and only attended part year 2nd and 4th grades.
3. I am afraid of mice and rats - as in if I see one I think I might die.
4. I lost 2 valuable hours of my life reading the first half of the trash book Twilight.
5. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 22 years old.
6. I had lunch with Mr. Rogers, Mr. McFeely and Lady Betty Aberlin of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.
7. I don't know how to ride a bicycle.
8. My favorite color is cobalt blue.
9. As a child I had an imaginary playmate named Sootey - and when I was confronted about her not being real I explained that she wasn't around anymore because she had to move because her parents sold their house for $20,000...what an imagination!
10. My favorite song/music is Air on G String by Bach.
11. I once won 50,000 American Airline miles thru an online sweepstakes.
12. I sat next to/near Laura Bush and Hawaii Governor Lingle on 2 separate flights within the same week.
13. I've never eaten an oyster - and never will.
14. My favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor is Fresh Goodness Cake.
15. My college minor was Spanish - but I remember nada.
16. I want to take ballroom dancing but can't find a partner who will agree to lessons.
17. I do not eat McDonalds.
18. My favorite book is Ireland by Frank Delaney.
19. We haven't owned a t.v. for about 7 years.
20. I do way more laundry than I should - must be punishment.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Time Will Tell

Hurt my back. Gotta get better by Tuesday when I leave for 3 days in Washington D.C.