Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Memories of Grandma

Ada Bell Barney Wright, our mother and grandmother died on October 9, 2007. She was 85 years old. When we think of her we think of -
  • "Is this island completely surrounded by water?' - her question when she visited Hawaii
  • "You guys do too much for me" - always appreciative of everything and anything anyone did for her.
  • Kept her money by the plates in the kitchen cabinet
  • Soaps, Bonanza, Perry Mason, Murder She Wrote
  • Macaroni and anything
  • Love, Humility, Enduring to the End
She was a wonderful mother and grandmother. We are so happy that she can now WALK!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

In a Perfect World

In a perfect world what happened tonight would not have happened. In a perfect world little ones would be valued by those around them. In a perfect world my little ones would be supported and accepted - as they learn and grow.

But the world is imperfect. We are all imperfect. Except these two little ones - they are perfect. And they are here to help US become perfect - like them.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Benefits of Family Home Evening

I have to give a talk at Ward Conference on Sunday about Family Home Evening and how it has benefitted me, my family, and other guests. I have been thinking of little else for the last week.

When Susan, Gabe & Jacob were younger I'd spend enormous amounts of time preparing lessons, props, posters, etc. for FHE, We used to have a light that we only turned on on Monday nights for FHE - it was a signal to them. We used to sit on big cushions on the floor. We'd make crafts - we'd even do treats!

Nowadays its totally different. Gene & I are too old for the floor - so we've moved to sofas. We still start with a song (usually led by Michelle or Hannah with Michelle choosing America the Beautiful and Hannah choosing You're Beautiful by James Blunt) then we have a lesson. No more puppets, no more props & posters. Usually Dad teaching - pure teaching of the gospel from the scriptures.

It amazes me how the older kids will sit and listen and ask question after question. And it amazes me even more at how the little girls will sit quietly (and always closely next to someone) during the entire time.

When the big kids were younger they never wanted FHE to end - always "one more game please!"

Some things have changed. We still have a closing song (guess which ones!) and we still have a closing prayer on our knees.

We hardly ever have treats anymore. But those same teenagers who you have to drag away from the computer, radio or phone to come to FHE linger long past the closing Amen. Sometimes the gospel discussion continues - with more sophisticated and deeper questions on their part. Sometimes the conversation turns to family memories - always the funniest and most embarrassing ones of course.

And sometimes we all indulge the little girls and play London Bridges Falling Down. You should see the smiles on their faces when they "take the keys" and lock up their 6' tall brother Jacob - or even better 6'3' Dad!

Heaven in Haiku Village for sure!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Heaven - A place called Haiku Village

Here in Haiku Village there are maybe 5 different models of homes - all built in I think the late 60's and early 70's. We live in what I call model #3 - 3 bedrooms (although we've hoveled out a 4th) and 2 baths. I've been in other Model 3's in the neighborhood. I think mine is BY FAR the oldest, most in need of repair, messiest (at times), loudest, busiest, fullest, most wonderful one in the village.

Susan is home from college (but only for 3 more days - sob sob). Jacob is happy he got his license yesterday - on his first try! Gabe keeps the phone lines burning with the numerous girls who call to hear him sing to them (I kid you not). Hannah is so excited about turning 7 next Friday (and eyeing her presents in Aunty's room). And Michelle comes bounding off the school bus with a huge smile on her face everyday and leaps into my arms saying "Mom - I'm home!"

I always knew Heavenly Father liked me best.