Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Walk the Line

So for about 3 months or so I've been walking the mall for some exercise. Usually at 8:00 each weekday morning - 3 times around the top = 1 mile. I started walking with my friend Missy and her friend Lisa. They are great girls. They are both young mothers so usually have kids in tow or sometimes can't make it cause of sick kids etc. I have enjoyed their company.

There are other regular walkers - my age or older - as well as a whole group who do Chinese exercise (not tai chi). Most of us walk in one direction (as if there is a sign prohibiting counter direction walking!). On rainy days all of us old people get out of our cars and walk cautiously over the wet asphalt (I'm sure all of us are repeating the same mantra "Please don't let me fall and break my hip").

Last week my friend Rochelle started walking too. She is more like my age. But she is a speed demon walker - I have a hard time keeping up - which is good.

How does it go? "Let your reach exceed your grasp else what's a heaven for"

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