Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is this the little girl I carried...

Susan Kapuauiokalani Wright
(the smile hasn't changed!)
Getting sentimental is easy when you're post 50 years old - just thinking that she turned 21 on January 8th! Flash back to January 11th 1988 - the night we got the call from Sally Lee saying she had a brand new baby girl for us! It was 9:00 p.m. and I had spent an exhausting day cleaning closets at the church - it was about 9:00 p.m. when the call came. Gene came home a few minutes later - and in his typical dead-pan style said "I'm so excited I think I'll stay up all night and pay the banjo." I then proceeded to call everyone I knew!

We met her for the first time on January 13th - she was a beauty! After we picked her up from the social worker's office we went to see Tutu who, like veryone else, fell in love with her instantly.

Truly, Heavenly Father gave us His best!

Flash forward to January 8, 2009 - 21 years old - still beautiful - she has a kind and loving heart. She is busy working, loves the beach, sun and surf, and is such a great help to us.

- and we still feel like we did 21 years ago - He did give us His best!

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