Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pictures for Hannah & Michelle

Thank you for your emails! I love reading them!

On Friday n ight I went to Temple Square with Aunty LeAnn and Aunty Stephanie and Vanessa. Remember Vanessa the girl who slept in your room with Sara? Here are 2 pictures - one of me standing next to a statue of a mother and a boy. The other is of the Salt Lake Temple. Isn't it beautiful?

Last night I went to a wedding reception. My friend Suzie's son got married. Her son's name is Jared and his bride's name is Cristina. The first picture is of me and Suzie. The second is of Jared and Cristina. The party was held inside a big red barn! It was so fun to attend a party in a barn!

Today I will drive from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas then I will catch a plane to Portland, Oregon.

Did Jacob tell you his exciting news? He has been called to serve a mission in Boise Idaho! He will be a missionary for 2 years! He has to come to Utah for training in August then he will go to Boise. So in August our whole family will get on the airplane and come to drop Jacob off in Utah. You girls will get out of school for maybe 1 week or more so that you can ride the airplane with us and come to Utah. That will be very exciting!
I love you. I know you are being helpful and obedient. Always remember to be kind too. I will be home on Thursday - that day is my birthday too! Yipee!

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