Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Something Special (Olympics, that is...)

This past weekend was the State Special Olympic State Games at the University of Hawaii. The whole fam went to cheer on our two athletes.

Michelle placed first in Softball Throw and Running Broad Jump. She placed 2nd in 50 meter.

Hannah placed 1st in 50 meter, 2nd in Softball and was disqualified in Running Broad Jump (line?what line?).

Our friend Aubrey placed first in every event she participated in.
Michelle made friends with a dog named Heidi.

Both girls chose sombreros for their prizes for their awesome lawn bowling skills...which Gene and I ended up holding.

Special Olympics is da bomb! It is so unbelievable that so many people volunteer to help kids like Michelle and Hannah. It provides such a great opportunity for them to excel in an activity since in most activities they lag behind their same age peers.