Monday, October 19, 2009

Good Sabbath

Yesterday was a GREAT day. Church was wonderful - the Primary kids practiced for next week's presentation. It is such a blessing to work with these little children! They are so sweet - even when they are naughty.

Came home and made ahi with a dijon-yoshida sauce for lunch, made pumpkin pie for dinner and then took a nap! Could it get any better?

Yes! woke at 4 p.m. and made hamburgers (the missionaries were coming to dinner). Susan came for dinner too - which really made it the BEST of days.

The missionaries were 45 minutes late - but we strated without them. They are nice boys and I am happy to have them in our home - knowing that 3,000 miles away someone is having my boy into their home for dinner.

We had great fun after they left - me, Gene, Susan and Gabe - just talking - mostly about Jacob and how random he is.

Then I went to bed!

Oh another happening this day - but first some background - for almost 10 years we have hosted Thanksgiving for people in our ward who have had no place to go on that holiday. We usually have supplied everything and have been glad to do it. The number of diners have ranged from 25 - 70s.

Last year the Bishop asked if I'd coordinate at the church - which I did - 71 people came.

This year he asked Gene if we could do it again - but Gene told him no cause I have a family reunion that week. When he told me I replied that I had been thinking of ways to be able to still do my family reunion but also help with the Ward Thanksgiving. So I called the Bishop and told him I'd coordinate it again.

Still trying to work out the details. I won't eat twice - just get everything organized at the ward before going back up to our reunion to eat and celebrate.

I have a most terrific cousin named Stephanie who I know will help me cause she is pretty and generous and kind and pretty and loving and talented and noble and pretty and true and honest and capable and pretty and hard-working and fun and did I mention pretty?

She is also a reader of this blog - which also makes her oh so smart!

So what do you say, dear cousin?

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