Thursday, February 11, 2010


The year 1976 was known as the country's bicentennial year. It was also special for another reason.

On February 12, 1976 I married Gene Austin Wright for time and all eternity in the Ogden LDS Temple. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

34 things you may not know about him -

1. He is a scriptorian and has entire books of scripture memorized.
2. He plays a banjo that he made himself.
3. He used to be a deer hunter and was better at hunting with a bow than with a gun.
4. He still runs 3 times a week.
5. He lettered in sports (wrestling) in his freshman year of high school.
6. He was the first son in his family to serve a full time mission (to Hawaii)
7. He enlisted in the Marine Corps while a senior in high school.
8. His specialty in the Marine Corps was Sniper!
9. He has published one book and has been working on 2 others.
10. He used to work at a meat packing company.
11. He saved most of his money in the Marine Corps to help pay for his mission.
12. As a teen, he spent his summers working on a farm in Grace, Idaho.
13. He has never, ever raised his voice/yelled at me - probably because I am near perfect ;).
14. He used to love riding motorcycles but gave it up more than 30 years ago.
15. He's not into team sports - as a participant or observer.
16. He does not watch t.v. - prefers reading.
17. He doesn't believe in letting people borrow money - he believes in giving money if its needed.
18. He majored in Math in college.
19. He has more books than anyone I know.
20. He is an excellent craftsman - he made our kitchen cabinets from scratch.
21. He hates snow and winter weather.
22. He considers Hawaii home.
23. If he had to declare political allegiance it would be to the Libertarian Party.
24. He thinks Ronald Reagan was one of the great heroes of our time (and he's right)
25. Raising Arizona is one of his favorite movies.
26. He loves to travel.
27. He dreams of a two week hike along the Great Wall of China.
28. If someone says something negative about haoles he always says "those buggas".
29. He used to wear aloha shirts everyday when we lived in Utah.
30. He once hit himself in the head with a hammer so badly he had to have stitches.
31. Just hearing the words "kidney stones" makes him wince.
32. He has learned to say Ginny instead of Jenny.
33. If you are a regular reader of this blog then you know he is a t.v. star!
34. He was once nicknamed "Waikiki" because of the waves in his hair.

I could go on and on and list many interesting things about him. He is a very interesting person.

I could brag about his wonderful traits as a husband and father. He is exemplary in both of those roles.

I could tell you about what a loyal and humble friend and relative he is. He has always been busy helping people.

But if you know him - then you've probably seen for yourself the kind of man he is.

I am so looking forward to eternity with him.

He's proof positive that I must be Heavenly Father's favorite.

Happy 34th!
(I was a child bride)

1 comment:

Bunch of Bradys said...

Congratulations on 34! I'm still patiently waiting for the 2nd published book:) And of course, we all know you are our Heavenly Father's favorite--that's why I try to stay close to you--I'm going to need all the help I can get.