Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jacob, Jacob, Jacob

Jacob's birthday is coming up on April 8 - so if you'd like to drop him a line please do - his address is in the right side bar.

Here's what Jacob emailed yesterday. He's so crazy.

So yeah, some lady destroyed our car doors which was exciting because it broke the monotony of what would otherwise have been a normal day. crazy stuff makes the mission more fun. oh yeah, spritual stuff! Well, iwas reading Acts and even Paul got an "Emergency Transfer" from his companion. So it shows that even the best of us can sometimes blow our cool and need to take a break from the stressfull things of life. But that doesnt mean ignoring them, just taking a breather and them tackling giving it another go. in missionary work, we have to always be patient and tolerant of the weaknesses and short coming of others, but even more so to be aware of those things in ourselves. oh yeah, tell Skyla i say 'sup' and grats on the baptism marriage thing =]
Another spiritual thing: Abraham had one tight entourage. And when his brother lot was captive, he was like "You 300 come with me and we are gonna go get my brother back!" and they went and owned all of them. He was like, the O.O.G. (original original gangster) that and he had, like, a bazillion kids in his family tree BECAUSE he was so righteous and paid his tithes. So if we follow his example we can inherit great mansions.
Songs of Soloman shouldn't even be IN the bible. Like,where along the line did someone decide that it was a good idea to include it? (on a side note, it does provide some entertainment when you are completely bored during the 1 hour of personal study time)
Well, as the Romans say, "Live long, and prosper" (or someone kinda like them)
love yas, jake
p.s. We all live in a yellow Submarine.
p.p.s. oh yeah, one of our investigators is on the run from the law. which makes it hard to set appointments. any sueggestions?

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