Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kinda Scary

So last week I got a call from Hannah's teacher because she had fallen over twice in about an hour and a half's time. First time she was sitting on a bench then apparently for no reason she fell over backwards onto the floor. About and hour later she fell backwards while standing. When she fell both times her eyes were open and remained opne while she was down but she did not respond - just stared. I called the doctor who said to watch her closely, call ambulance if she passes out but to schedule appointment dor followup.

After I picked her up from school she was fine, My intention was to schedule appointment when we got back from this trip we are on.

Last night at Devin's baptism it happened again. She was sitting on a chair next to Gene and next thing she was on the floor. Once on the floor she just went over and hit the wall. Gene picked her up and again she did not respind when her name was called. Eyes open but glazed over.

An hour later she's standing next to me eating ice cream and down she went. We called her name but no response. Her eyes were totally open but vacant. After a few seconds we got her up and she was fine.

Worrisome indeed and I will definitely be calling the doctor this a.m. and scheduling something for Tuesday morning.

Peculiar and scary.

I am thinking it might be the clonidine she takes - afterall it is a blood pressure med and could be makine her hypo-tensive. But a thorough follow up should clear the mystery.

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