Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers I Love

I am lucky to know some really great moms out there - so on this day I am wishing all of them love, peace and joy wherever they might be. So here's my shout-outs to some special ones that have been such great examples to me (listed in no particular order): (HMD-Happy Mothers Day)

Stephanie (my Oprah style girlfriend) - Can't find the right words to tell you how much you mean to me. When we reconnected it was like - BINGO (hehehe). How did I ever get along all these years without you girlfriend? Loving growing old with you. HMD

LeAnn (my #1 BFF always - the only person who can sling it as good and as quick as I can) - A near perfect example of motherhood (laundry done or just folded?). A perfect example of a friend. One of the few people (outside of my family) that is as smart and pretty as me. I miss you! (We gotta dump these kids and husbands for a few days and get away!!!) 30 years as friends and an eternity to go - lucky, lucky me. HMD

Lori (the BEST neighbor I have ever had) - Such a joy to know. Hands down the SUPER mom of the century. Lori does it all. But her greatest gift is her genuine interest and concern for others. She walks the Savior's walk - and my life is richer because of her. Its been 5 years or so since she moved but I feel her love thru the miles. HMD

Susie (my mirror image so they say) - Your heart. If there is anything I covet - its your heart. When I think of you I think of the quote from Proverbs "...her children rise up and call her blessed" Throughout our lives people have always said we look a lot alike - how lucky I am since
that means I must be tall! HMD

Alo (my gorgeous, talented socialist sister) - Your strength and determination inspire me. Your intellect might just surpass mine - if that is possible. Your politics make me nauseous. HMD.

Sharon (my Kentucky mom)- thanks for rescuing me last Sunday! Such a blessing in my life in ways to many too mention. HMD

Candie (my cousin extraordinaire) - Knowing there are moms like you bringing up the next generation of keiki puts my mind at ease as far as what the future holds. I am so impressed with all you do as a mother and the obvious joy you find in being a mom. Although I hope your current obnoxious fixation with all things Twilight is just a stage you're going through and that you will snap out of it quickly. HMD

Kathy (the sister with the same body frame as me) - Beautiful inside and out. So much like mom it makes me teary. Just one thing though - you need to eat more. HMD

Mom (my sunshine) - The epitome of a kind, supportive, loving and JOYFUL angel. Gene says if I am like you when I am older he will be a lucky man. My goal - to be JOYFUL like you. I am so looking forward to seeing you again someday - I can see it now - you'll be wearing something long, flowing and purple I'm sure. HMD

Ada (my mother-in-law) - My example of faith, humility and generosity. Blessed every life you touched. You taught me so many lessons of life through your stalwart and quiet example. I am sure Heaven became that way upon your arrival. HMD

Aunty Ginny - First, last and always in my heart. HMD

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