Monday, May 24, 2010

Returning - Semi

I have been without a desktop computer for 2 weeks. It is difficult running 2 businesses from a small netbook and near impossible to blog - but here goes...

News of Note -

Gene got back from Nicaragua - he found it interesting and depressing - in his words "its not the destination, its the journey". Although the hotel he stayed in was 5 star the entire area of the capitol is like a slum. he said people begging everywhere, buildings slapped together, alot of poverty. he hired a private guide for a day and went hiking, saw an active volcano, took a boat ride on Lake Nicaragua and saw some historical sites. he had an adventure on all of the flights (cancellations, rebookings, etc.) but was in first class or business the entire time - so not too tough. Bottom line - he earned 58,331 miles.

Michelle had her 13th birthday on Saturday. We spent the night before in a cabin at Bellows then on Saturday we rented a pavilion at Bellows. it came with a jump house and 20 rounds of mini golf. It was perfect. We invited about 50 people and they all came!

We started the party at 11:00 - the jump house was a big hit! The spot was also next to the drivng range so most of the teens and men spent the day hitting balls. Kookie and Manu Laumatia and 6 of their 10 kids came, Kookie's friend Stephanie and her 3 kids, Uncle AKini, Aunty Judee, Tehani & Jonah, Candie, Cheyenne & Sorrel, Wena, tricia, Kawena & Kaliko Adams (friends from church) came, Renny & Heather (Michelle's classmates) and their family came, Carly and Lehua, Chad & Jill and their new baby CJ came, Gene's friend from work, Steve and Azeema, brandi and my sister-in-law Debi (Bill's wife) was visiting so she came too.

We had chili, hot dogs, chicken, rice, salad, cornbread and cupcakes.

We were suppsoed to end the party at 2:30 b ut didn't end until almost 5.

A fun day for all -- and now we have a 13 year old!

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